Title: 在NCTUns網路模擬器上支援光學網路模擬及命令控制台
Supporting Optical Network Simulation and Command Console on the NCTUns Network Simulator
Authors: 虞孟正
Mengchang Yu
Shieyuan Wang
Keywords: 全光網;模擬;交大;模擬器;all optical;simulation;NCTUns;simulator
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 本篇論文的主要重點,是呈現在交大網路模擬器上設計和實作全光網路的模擬環境.在本篇論文中,我們提供了兩種全光網路的環境:傳統全光網路(traditional optical networks)和光突發交換網路(optical burst switching networks). 傳統全光網路是使用迴線交換機制(circuit switching),而且在傳送資料前必需設定好光路徑(light path).光突發交換網路的資料流是突發性的,它兼顧迴線交換機制和封包交換機制(packet switching)的特色和優點,是全光網的一大研究領域. 由於目前對全光網路的研究日趨熱門,一個輔助研究的工具是必須的.模擬是具有便利性,精準度和彈性的最佳折衷辦法.數學推導方便但不具有實際應用的考量,而真實機器的實驗亦太過耗費人力金錢,而且不具備彈性.因此,我們發展這個模擬的模組,就是希望能夠題供研究者一個完整且便利的研究工具,使他們能節省時間致力於研發和設計之上
This paper presents the development of the all-optical network simulation on the NCTUns (NCTU network simulator). In this paper, we provide two simulation environments for all-optical networks. One is traditional all-optical network, and the other is optical burst switching network. The traditional all-optical network is a kind of all-optical networks which is circuit switching and needs to assign light paths before transmitting data. The traffic flow of the optical burst switching networks is bursty, and the users need to reserve a wavelength of the light path temporarily for transmitting bursts. Because the current simulation tools or packages simulate the DWDM environment, traditional all-optical networks or optical burst switching networks respectively, we want to provide a simulation package which integrates these subsystems. By using our system, researchers can simulate the behaviors of the optical internet or observe the performance of the merged all-optical networks. For traditional all-optical networks, we provide static and dynamic RWA (Route and Wavelength Assignment) schemes so that the users can develop their RWA methods or configure the light paths in their simulation cases. We also provide the virtual ring protection mechanism for optical network survivability. For optical burst switching networks, we provide the basic simulation environment and several published methods and algorithms for burst reservation and contention drop. Finally, we will show that our design and implementation are reasonable and correct. Besides that, we also provide a useful interface called command console for controlling the devices of the simulated networks. With this interface, the users can operate and monitor the nodes in the simulated network during simulation. In this paper, we will present the design and implementation of traditional all-optical networks, optical burst switching networks, and command console. We also do the performance evaluation and the function validation of our system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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