Title: 設計與實作 NCTUns 1.0 網路模擬器引擎
The Design and Implementation of the NCTUns 1.0 Network Simulation Engine
Authors: 黃志華
Chih-Hua Huang
Shie-Yuan Wang
Keywords: 網路模擬器;Network Simulator;NCTUns
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 使用網路模擬器,網路研究人員將可以輕易的研究一個複雜的網路而不受時間與空間的限制;然而,網路模擬器結果的精確度卻是在設計與實作這樣一個模擬器時的重要考量因素。在本論文中,我們以一個關鍵的重要技術來設計與實作出一個高精準度的網路模擬器引擎,這個技術將使我們的模擬器引擎使用現存作業系統上的 TCP/IP Protocol Stack 來模擬進而產出一個高精準度的模擬結果。由於這樣的一個機制,所有現存的應用程式將無須任何的修改便可在我們的模擬器引擎所建立起來的模擬網路下使用,除此之外,我們的模擬器引擎亦提供了一個 Module-Based 的平台供網路模擬器使用者開發他們自己的網路協定並整合至我們的模擬器引擎上,這將使得研究一個網路協定更加容易且有效率。
With a network simulator, a network researcher can easily study a complex network without time and space’s limitations. However, the accuracy of simulation results genertated by a network simulator is an important issue when designing a network simulator. In this paper, we design and implement an accurate network simulation engine, which is constructed based on a key methodology. This key methodology allows our network simulation engine to use a real-life TCP/IP protocol stack of a simulation machine to generate high-fidelity simulation results. Because of such a mechanism, all existing application programs can run with our simulation engine immediately without any modifications. Besides, our network simulation engine also provides a module-based platform for users to easily develop their own network protocols on such a platform. This enables users to study their own network
protocols more efficiency.
Appears in Collections:Thesis