標題: 心理契約違反與職場偏差行為: 犬儒主義與信任的中介作用
Psychological Contract Breach and Workplace Deviance: The Mediation of Cynicism and Trust
作者: 王郁菁
Wang, Yu-Ching
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 心理契約違反;職場偏差行為;犬儒主義;組織信任;對主管的信任;Psychological Contract Breach;Workplace Deviance;Cynicism;Organizational Trust;Trust in Leader
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 過去許多實證研究顯示,職場偏差行為對於企業組織造成傷害。企業組織為消弭職場偏差行為,須從行為產生的源頭-心理契約違反著手改善。本研究目的即探討心理契約違反與職場偏差行為之關係,並分析犬儒主義和員工對於組織與主管信任程度的中介效果。 本研究採用問卷調查方式蒐集資料,研究對象是隨機分佈在台灣不同產業組織,總共實得有效問卷156份。研究結果顯示:(1)心理契約違反能正向影響員工的犬儒主義的產生;(2)犬儒主義能正向影響職場偏差行為的展現;(3)心理契約違反會透過犬儒主義的中介效果來影響職場偏差行為;(4)心理契約違反能負向影響員工對組織信任的程度;(5)員工對組織信任程度能負向影響職場偏差行為的展現;(6)心理契約違反會透過員工對組織信任的中介效果來影響職場偏差行為;(7)心理契約違反能負向影響員工對主管信任的程度;(8)員工對主管信任程度與職場偏差行為無顯著相關性;(9)員工對主管信任對於中介心理契約違反與職場偏差行為之效果不顯著。 本研究結果提供企業之管理建議,應從最初的人員甄選過程至員工入職後,皆維持並實現組織承諾,並提升雇用關係間的信任程度,以降低員工不信任、犬儒心態、以致展現偏差行為的機率。
This study was aimed to explore the relationship between psychological contract breach and workplace deviant behaviors. In addition, it also examined the mediation effect of cynicism, organizational trust, and trust in leader on the above relationship. A sample of 156 employees from various industries provided data in a questionnaire survey for hypothesis testing. The results showed that there were: (1) a positive correlation between psychological contract breach and employee cynicism, (2) a negative correlation between cynicism and workplace deviance, (3) a mediation effect of cynicism on the contract breach—workplace deviance relationship, (4) a negative correlation between psychological contract breach and trust (both trust in organization and in leader), (5) a negative correlation between organizational trust and workplace deviance, (6) a mediation effect of organizational trust on the contract breach—workplace deviance relationship, (7) a negative correlation between psychological contract breach and trust in leader, (8) a lack of correlation between trust in leader and workplace deviance, and ( 9) a lack of mediation effect of trust in leader on the contract breach—workplace deviance relationship. According to the above findings, managers should work to satisfy employees’ expectations of psychological contract starting from the stage of selection full employment stage in order to avoid their mistrust and cynicism and eventually prevent them from taking deviant actions on their jobs.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070163103
Appears in Collections:Thesis