標題: 以代理人為基準的人群模擬暨攝影機之控制
An Agent-Based Crowd Simulation and Camera Control
作者: 李福順
Wong, Sai-Keung
關鍵字: 人群模擬;基於代理;逕向視野;攝影機控制;crowd simulation;agent based;radial view;camera control
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在本論文裡,我們提出了一個基於代理的人群模擬方法,並藉此執行自動化攝影機控制。 我們提出了一種階層性的四元樹的資料結構來儲存代理的時間性和空間性的移動資料,包含每個代理的速度,速率,和旋轉特性, 這樣的資料結構提供我們不同的解析程度在分析人群的移動。 使用者可以指定流程並利用我們的方法自動生成攝影機的軌跡。 我們的基於代理的人群模擬方法是計算出一組可行走的方向的集合,這個集合同時也是無碰撞偵測的,對每個代理來說, 代理的可行走的方向是被決定藉著代理的逕向視野在所在的範圍內, 然後在可行走的方向集合內,選擇移動的方向根據這個方向帶著最小的影響。 為了有效率的計算出可行走的方向集合,我們將移動的方向場離散化並利用位元字串來代表這個集合,每一個位元代表著一定方向的跨度。 我們的方法可以使代理不使用費用浩大的全域搜尋技術就可以使代理繞過簡單的障礙物。 實驗的結果表現出我們模擬的代理可以避免碰撞且有效率地移動到他們的終點,並且能直覺地使用攝影機的自動化控制。 在攝影機控制方法裡,我們可以有效地可視化代理資料並且強調發生在某些區域的代理人聚集行為,根據這個方法,提出了一個看法關於在虛擬環境中的代理人聚合行為。
In this thesis, we propose a method to perform camera control for an agent-based crowd simulation. We propose to use a quad-tree hierarchy structure to store the temporal and spatial movement data of agents, including the velocity, speed and rotation attributes. The structure enables us to analyze the crowd movement data in different resolutions. A user can then specify the constraints and our method automatically generates the trajectory of the camera. Our agent-based crowd simulation computes a set of feasible movement directions of each agent that are free of collision detection. The feasible movement directions of the agent are determined based on the radial view of the agent in the local region. Then the feasible movement direction with the least effort is selected as the movement direction of the agent. To efficiently compute the feasible movement directions, we discretize the movement direction field of each agent and use a bit string to roughly represent the set of movement directions. Each bit of the bit string represents a span of directions. Our method enables the agents to move around the simple objects without using the expensive global search techniques. Experimental results show that our method can simulate the agents, which can avoid collisions and move to their destination efficiently. The results about the camera control are intuitive. Our camera control method can visualize the agent data efficiently and highlight the aggregate behaviours of agents that occur in certain regions. And according to the method, it provides a quite overview about the aggregate behaviours of the agents in a virtual environment.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070156615