標題: 從數位遊戲改編談跨媒體敘事
Transmedia Storytelling: Adapting Video Games into Films and Novels
作者: 趙建歡
Chao, Chien-Huan
Chang, Yu-Pei
關鍵字: 遊戲;改編;小說;電視劇;跨媒體敘事;電影;video games;adaptation;TV;film;novels;transmedia,
公開日期: 2016
摘要:   本文以數位遊戲作為改編文本起始點,分別探討以敘事為重及以規則為重的遊戲,在改編為其他媒體時,文本上會有什麼樣的轉變。同時,也探究以數位遊戲為主的跨媒體文本,是如何展現出不同的媒體特質。本研究選定的文本,是以武俠之情故事為重的【仙劍奇俠傳1】和以規則為重的【極速快感:新全民公敵】。除以敘事分析拆解兩款遊戲文本的意涵,更研究兩款遊戲改編為影視媒體、平面媒體時的文本轉變和媒體展現。   研究發現,以敘事為重的遊戲,因原先的故事飽滿而充足,所以在改編成影視媒體時的空間小,但演員的選定和剪輯的方式、因應劇情切換的鏡頭,卻鋪展出更豐富多元的敘事線;以規則為重的遊戲,講求玩家自由體驗的特性,改編成影視媒體,也就重新塑造出遊戲缺乏的故事細膩度,並使用鏡頭來保留遊戲裡原始的刺激感。不過,不論是哪一種遊戲被改編為平面媒體時,都是如實呈現出故事,並以全知視角來展現出主角們抉擇時的心境,再保留原始故事裡的對話和人物性格。   於是,從數位遊戲改編為其他媒體時,會因為原有的故事線和規則而有不同的閱讀途徑,而改編成電影的延展性也較小說大,展現出數位遊戲跨媒體敘事的可能。
  Nowadays, the technology of graphic developed sooner and sooner. Because of the great graphic design, the players can also enjoy the rich story line in the game. Therefore, more and more video games are adapted into other media, like novels, comic books, or films. This research uses narrative analysis in order to find the characteristics of transmedia about video games. “Hsien Chien Chi Hsia Chuan’’ which was focused on narrative and “the Need for Speed: The Most Wanted’’ which was based on the rules are the main text to analyze.   The findings of the study are as follows: First, when the game focusing on narrative are adapted in to other media, the latter version would be based on the original one. Second, as the game focusing on rules are adapted in to other media, the latter media would recreate the new stories which would be different from the old one. Last, because the story of video games should be completed by players, the way of storytelling would be changed by the characteristics of new media. When games are adapted into films, every angle of shots becomes the most important issue. On the other hand, it’s essential to pay attention on the word using, like hyperbole and metaphor, when it comes to adapted novels. As a result, adaptation from video games diverse because of the kinds and the latter media.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259136