標題: 針對網路單點故障之解決方案
A Solution to The Single Point of Failure Problem of Communications Network
作者: 鄭惠君
Cheng, Hui-Chun
Lo, Chi-Chun
關鍵字: 單點故障;鏈路聚合控制協議;擴展樹協定;快速擴展樹協議;迴路;冗餘路徑;SPOF;LACP;STP;RSTP;Loop;Redundant Path
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 許多企業現有星狀(star)拓樸的網路架構無法避免單點故障(SPOF; Single Point of Failure),在單點故障或單一路徑斷線的情況下,就會造成網路中斷服務並且可能造成企業巨大的損失。本研究關注的課題有:在網路設備無法全面更新的條件下,中小企業要如何因應巨量資料的傳輸需求的解決方法;要如何調整設備的配置及透過各種通訊協定(protocols)的功能來提昇網路傳輸速率,頻寬及處理日漸增大的資料流量的解決方法;當網路發生意外而造成傳輸路徑中斷,要如何讓備用的傳輸路徑快速取代原有的路徑並阻擋迴路(loop)及封包風暴的解決方法。本論文提出的解決方案包含兩個部份來解決上述的問題:(1)用多環狀(Ring)架構,增加冗餘路徑(Redundant Path)配合交換機上第二層通訊協定STP/RSTP,快速形成新的路徑取代原有的路徑,本實驗證明在不需要更新設備的情況下,既可以降低封包的遺失率(packet loss)到1%左右,也可避免迴路封包風暴造成網路癱瘓;(2)假如單一連接埠的頻寬不敷使用時,可使用第二層通訊協定LACP增加設備之間的頻寬,實驗結果LACP Group捆綁連接埠多寡決定LACP頻寬大小,頻寬愈寬資料傳輸更加順暢快速、避免延遲。
The existed star topology cannot avoid single point of failure, in case a single point of failure happens, the consequence of the data loss and delay may cause huge losses. This paper proposes solutions for SMEs(Small and Medium Enterprises)response the requirement of high-bandwidth without fully upgrade their network devices, including how to avoid SPOF(Single Point of Failure); enhance transmission rates; make an alternate link path replacing the failed path when a link fails; block a loop and avoid packet storm. The solution proposed by this paper consists of two parts.(1)The multi-ring adds redundant links which play as a backup role when a link fails. The experiment indicates the packet loss can be reduced to 1%. Besides, Layer 2 STP/RSTP are proposed to prevent the loop and packets storm. (2)Leverage Layer 2 LACP to aggregate multiple links to increase the bandwidth. Then the requirement that quickly transmit the big data is fulfilled.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363403
Appears in Collections:Thesis