Title: 記憶體模組商競合策略分析-以K公司為例
The Competitive Strategies for Memory Module Manufactures – The Case of K Company
Authors: 邱珮雯
Chiu, Pei-Wen
Hung, Chih-Young
Keywords: 記憶體模組;供應鏈;競合策略;DRAM Module;Supply Chain;Competitive Strategy
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 記憶體模組產業在近十幾年來,在現代科技發展一直扮演著非常重要的角色, 由於DRAM模組、Flash產品與SSD等產品之規格多已標準化,所以記憶體模組產業競爭者多,且記憶體供應商在對記憶體模組廠商供貨之餘,也會生產DRAM模組、FLASH產品、SSD等產品,因此幾乎每家記憶體模組廠商所生產的記憶體相關產品種類皆類似,此外,記憶體供應商也加入戰場,使得記憶體模組產業的競爭非常激烈。

In the last decades, memory module industry has been playing a very important role in the development of modern science and technology. Since DRAM modules, flash and SSD and other product specifications have been standardized, it provides a favorable condition to numerous competitors in the memory module industry; moreover, the suppliers not only supply raw material to the memory module manufactures but also produce DRAM modules, flash products, SSD and other products. Almost every memory module manufacturers produce similar memory-related product categories. Due to the memory vendors also joining the battlefield, as a result, the memory module industry is very competitive.
This study analyzes the memory module industry, takes K Company as a case study. Supplemented by interviews with memory module industry experts, the study explores how memory module manufacturers adopt the corresponding strategies to the upstream suppliers and downstream customers, especially under the circumstances of memory supplier oligopoly market, large fluctuations of memory particle pricing, the product specification standardizing and product category duplication.
After data integration and analysis, the study of memory module industry makes the following recommendations on competitive strategies: (1) enter into new markets and develop alternative sources, (2) focus on business operation with distributors in order to distinct business market segments, (3) adopt diverse business operation and effective inventory management, (4) sustain flexibility in the face of rapid changes, (5) maintain good relations with competing supply chains.

Keywords: DRAM Module、Supply Chain、Competitive Strategy
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070063515
Appears in Collections:Thesis