標題: 以晶圓代工為例分析兩岸IC製造業之競合策略
Co-opetition Strategy of IC Manufacturing Industry Crossing Taiwan Straits
作者: 賴錦茹
Chin-Ju Lai
Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu
關鍵字: 台灣;中國大陸;半導體製造;晶圓代工;整合元件製造商;競合策略;價值鏈;價值網絡;Taiwan;Mainland China;IC Manufacturing;foundry;Integrated Device Manufacturer;Co-opetition Strategy;value chain;value net
公開日期: 2000
摘要: IC製造為IC產業價值鏈中從事晶圓製造的區段,位居中游具承上啟下的地位。一般而言,從事IC製造的業者有整合元件製造商(IDM:Integrated Device Manufacturer)與專業晶圓代工廠商(Foundry)兩者,而本論文所探討的對象則是具技術密集、資本密集特色的晶圓代工產業。 1987年,台積電首創專業晶圓代工,以最先進的製程技術從事半導體製造,並引入獨特的Fabless-Foundry經營模式,因而成功奠定台灣晶圓代工業國際領導地位;大陸近來也積極發展IC產業並將主力集中在晶圓代工,而由於龐大內需市場、低廉生產成本、IC產業發展優惠政策…等有利因素,使其已成為IC大廠全球佈局、開拓市場的策略目標。因此,台灣絕對不能忽視未來大陸在晶圓代工產業的發展潛力,因此本研究目的為:(1)瞭解晶圓代工產業經營策略內涵;(2)比較兩岸晶圓代工產業發展現況;(3)分析兩岸晶圓代工產業競合策略,並提出對台灣晶圓代工業者投資策略方向之選擇與建議。 基於上述目的,本論文利用環境-組織-競合策略模型分析得出下列結論:(1)總體環境:台灣的政治法律、經濟環境為不利因素,使業者心態保守不敢投資影響代工產業發展,而大陸優惠政策則是產業發展的有利條件;(2)產業環境與組織經營:台灣由於產業群聚、製程技術優勢,以及代工業者優質的經營管理能力與經驗,因而成功的創造我國代工業的競爭優勢,因此,台灣無疑是大陸發展代工產業的最佳合作夥伴;(3)競合策略:歸納兩岸代工產業環境、組織經營優劣,並由技術面切入做競合策略分析;【Ⅰ】CMOS技術:台灣具競爭優勢,因此未來必須以核心能力為主軸,從事高階代工邏輯產品技術研發,研發次微米先進製程,而將代階代工價值活動切割出去,讓大陸從事低階家電產品代工;【Ⅱ】Bipolar & BiCMOS技術:大陸具競爭優勢,因此兩岸必須合作研發Bipolar & BiCMOS先進技術以因應未來主流趨勢共創雙贏,台灣因此提昇通訊技術水準拓展國際市場以維持代工競爭優勢,大陸也得以快速發展半導體產業強化國家競爭優勢。
IC manufacturing, which contains integrated device manufacturer(IDM) and foundry manufacturing, is the pivotal crux that connects upper and lower stream segments in the entire semiconductor industry. Our study is concentrated on the IC foundry with characteristics of technological intensity and capital intensity in Taiwan. Since TSMC(Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacture Company) foundation in 1987, the "fabless"business model has been also introduced to semiconductor industry. TSMC has successfully created a global competitive advantage with prosperity in Taiwan semiconductor industry. Currently, Mainland China shower her interested in semiconductor industry, especially in IC foundry. She is expected to be the next crucial nation by having advantages of big market, low cost on labor and materials, high goverment efficiency, package incentive for foreign investment and etc. Mainland China's competitive and logistic strategies were not re-examined by Taiwan semiconductor industry. Overall, this case study is targeted on analyzing three issues:First, well understand the current semiconductor industry structure and future global market in semiconductor industry. Second, compare the advantages and disadvantages between Taiwan and Mainland China. Finally, suggest the competitive and cooperative strtegies to Taiwan foundry manufacturers. Our conclusions were based on the Environment-Organization-Strategy model which were: 1.Low cost, government efficiency and overall economic environment are the compensation of Mainland China. 2.The industry cluster, world class technology and business operation capability are the competitive advantages of Taiwan. 3.Only competition and cooperation will create a bouble win situation crossing Taiwan Straits. CMOS, BiCMOS, Bipolar have the high possibility as a beginning of cooperation in semiconductor manufactory. The double win strategy could be build up under the model of a job par sharing to achieve the global high competitive, world class IC industry in Taiwan and Mainland China