Title: | 台灣半導體業赴大陸投資與競合策略之研究 Co-opetiton Strategies and Investment Models of Taiwan's Semiconductor Industries in Mainland China |
Authors: | 呂育全 Yu-Chuan Lu 劉尚志 Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 半導體;中國大陸;競合;semiconductor;china;co-opetition |
Issue Date: | 2000 |
Abstract: | 台灣近年來在半導體產業上的成就是令人有目共睹的。隨著產業持續的成長與茁壯,中國大陸這一廣大的市場早被許多外商覬覦許久,紛紛搶入卡位。台商必須擬定各種策略,以求在大陸市場佔有一席之位,不然很可能會錯失進入大陸市場的機會,而對台灣半導體競爭力產生不利的影響。 本研究乃針對台灣的半導體產業在赴大陸投資時,需考量的相關議題與營運策略之分析。因此將對產業價值活動、企業生命週期與廠商進入模式等相關文獻進行探討。接著依據文獻探討與相關資料的整理,將半導體依照產業生命週期的特性,分別區隔為從早期市場的IP、保齡球道的IC設計、到龍捲風暴與康莊大道階段的製造與封裝測試業,並個別分析其產業特性與關鍵競爭要素。在投資策略的訂定上,運用EOS模型提出之產業價值重組、組織經營強化與競合策略運用等三大策略手段,配合產業型態與特性的匹配與整合,提出各次產業投資大陸時的投資策略與經營模式。 最後,本研究根據全球化與競爭國際化條件下,分別以IC設計、IC製造與測試封裝為實例,提出IC設計業應透過高低階產品分工,讓台灣保留附加價值高的研發活動並善用中國大陸豐沛的多媒體與無線電通訊人才,增強研發實力,形成與國內研發互補作用、最後爭取大陸下游系統業者的支援,掌握規格制訂契機;而IC製造業應透過搶先卡位提供下游客戶更迅速與完整的支援服務、將製程落後的廠移往大陸,降低成本並填補需求落差;IC封裝與測試業則應透過高低階技術分工,互補搭配取得綜效、並利用廉價勞力,降低生產成本、最後貼近大陸市場配合客戶需求,提前卡位爭取訂單 等投資策略,來利用中國大陸的資源來提升台灣產業的自身優勢。 Continuing growth of Taiwan’s semiconductor industries required to explore the vast market of Mainland China. Taiwan must develop strategies as quickly as possible, otherwise its competitiveness will be significantly threatened. This study focused on the related issues and business strategies for Taiwan’s semiconductor industries to invest in China. At first, this study probed into the related literatures regarding industry value chain, business life cycle and entry modes. This article divided the semiconductor industries into IP industries in early market, IC design in bowling alley, IC manufacturing in tornado and IC packaging / testing in main street, according to the theory of technology life cycle. This research also analyzed the characteristics and key competitive factors respectively. On investment strategies, this study made use of three approaches (1) reassemble the industry value chains, (2) strengthen the organization management, and (3) apply the co-opetition strategy, to match the types of semiconductor industries. On the basis of global environment, this study took IC design, manufacturing, packaging / testing as examples, and suggested that IC design companies should focus the high added-value activities as R&Ds and utilize the rich talents of multimedia and wireless communication offered by China, then gain the support of China’s system integrator and strive for the chance to set the industry standards. IC manufacturing should provide the total solution to customers and shift the factories and equipments of early generation to China. IC packaging and testing should make use of China’s low cost labor to enhance its competitiveness. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/66731 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |