Title: 我國行動電話產業之競爭策略
Competitive Strategy of Taiwan's Mobile Phone Industry
Authors: 簡卡芬
Kar-Fen Chien
Shang-Jyh Liu
Keywords: 競爭策略;行動電話;競合;價值網;Competitive Strategy;Mobile Phone;co-optition;value net
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本研究乃運用環境、組織、競合之策略分析模式,探討我國行動電話產業之競爭策略。PC時代有微軟、英特爾等全球性標準,台灣可以憑藉彈性、成本、速度等優勢成為全球的代工者。然而,行動電話系統各式標準林立,並且面對未來無線影音傳輸高頻寬頻的挑戰,台灣是否可以再創下一波行動電話產業,很值得探討。
Based on the strategic analysis model of environment-organization-co-opetition, this study presents the competitive strategy of Taiwan’s mobile phone industry. In the Personal Computer era, thanks to the global standards set by Microfsoft and Intel. Taiwan serves as a major global OEM (original equipment manufacture) and ODM (original design manufacture), taking advantages of the high-flexibility, low-cost and fast-responsiveness offered by its industrial infrastructure. Question arises whether Taiwan would be able to create another leading edge in the mobile phone industry which currently is lack of unified standards and, at the same time, is under strong competitions from the versatile applications in the wireless communication industry.
Several key success factors for the mobile phone industry are identified through the systematic analysis of macro and industrial environments. Thus, the strategic positioning is defined by the SWOT (strength-weakness-opportunity- threat) analysis of Taiwan’s mobile phone industry, and to evaluate the choices as well as matches of Taiwan’s industry to the industrial value activities. Finally, on the basis of enterprise value net and co-opetition theories, this research has developed Taiwan’s competitive strategy in three key dimensions, i.e., the value activities restructuring, organization management enhancement and skillful control of co-opetition relations.
Two conclusions are made in the study. First, in order to compete favorably in the long term mobile phone market which enjoys rapid growths in 2001-2003, the Taiwanese players have to strive to expand its market share, after establishing its role of ODM. It is strategically important to focus on two development efforts, namely, to develop advanced product design and manufacturing capabilities, as well as to develop new products with the up-streamed IC designers. Second, after year 2004, to compete in the 3rd generation mobile phone business, Taiwanese players need to gradually adjust their market strategies to create new applications of mobile phones. We also point out that it is critical to establish the up-streamed key components industry and align with the communication system players in Mainland China to seek for complementary roles for each side.
Appears in Collections:Thesis