Title: 觸控面板產業的競爭力分析-以I公司為例
Competitive Analysis for the Touch Panel Industry-A Case Study of Company I
Authors: 柯丁漢
Ko, Ting-Han
Chen, Quang-Hua
Jen, William
Keywords: 觸控面板產業;SWOT分析;競爭策略;Touch Panel Industry;SWOT Analysis;Competitive Strategies
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 觸控面板技術源起於1970年代美國軍方為軍事用途而進行開發,後於1980年代移轉至民間開始使用,進而發展為各種民生用途,如銀行自動提款機、車站自動售票機、商店 POS系統、遊戲機等等,因具有簡易操作優點,且可取代傳統按鍵功能,已逐漸融入人類各式電子產品用途中,尤其是在行動通訊、消費性電子產品應用領域上, 2007年Applet成功推出iPhone採用觸控面板刺激了市場需求,以及緊接著Apple 於2010平板電腦iPad的也大受消費者喜愛,觸控面板的應用正在快速的成長中。 早期許多台灣廠商預測觸控技術的成長性於2000年開始投入觸控面板業,但2000年至2004年間市場需求不如預期,使得廠商經營相當辛苦,部分業者甚至遭到市場淘汰。2005年後先是PDA手機、任天堂掌上遊戲機熱賣,然後配有觸控面板的GPS車用導航系統應用逐漸成熟,及至2007年Apple iPhone、2010 iPad等持續刺激需求,觸控面板產業迅速重新蓬勃發展,除了原有大廠(介面光電、時緯科技)持續擴增產能外,其他如群創、勝華等,或友達(透過旗下關係企業達虹投入)等亦積極佈局,使得台灣觸控面板業面臨廠商家數增多,業界競爭激烈之局面。 本研究將引用相關文獻包括觸控面板產業介紹及競爭力分析理論作為研究的理論基礎,並將觸控面板產業產品定位、研發方向、如何提高產能效率、降低生產成本以I公司個案為例進一步分析其面對的競爭、機會與威脅。再利用有效的分析工具擬定最佳的策略,探討個案公司將如何克服眼前競爭激烈與規格快速多變的威脅,繼續成功的在觸控面板產業保持領先的地位為此研究之背景與動機。
Touch panel technology was developed by the US military in the 70s. Later on, its applications gradually became widely available to the public, such as bank ATM, automatic ticket vending machines in the train station, POS systems in the shopping malls and game consoles just name a few. Because it is easy to use and can replace the traditional push-button function, it has permeated into the world of electronics, especially in the mobile phone and consumer arenas. Apple successfully introduced the iPhone in 2007 adopting touch technology that had stimulated consumer demand. The subsequent introduction of the iPad in 2010 has also wetted consumers' appetite. The application of the touch panel technology was growing very rapidly. Many Taiwan manufacturers sensed the growth potential earlier and started investing in the touch panel industry. However, between 2002 and 2004, demand was not as strong as expected. Many factories had very difficult time to survive, even faced elimination. Touch technology got a huge boost starting in 2005 because of the introduction of PDA phone, Nintendo game console and GPS application. Also the introduction of iPhone in 2007 and iPad in 2010 intensified the explosive growth of the touch technology. Not only many big enterprises ( JTOUCH, SWENC) started to increase capacity, other enterprises such as Innolux, Wintek, AUO also joined the club as well, hence the competition became severe. Based on the theory of competitive analysis and the comprehensive study of many publications related to the touch panel industry, this thesis used I company as an illustration to analyze its competitiveness, opportunities and threats and also thoroughly investigated its product positioning, research orientation, capacity efficiency and cost reduction. Effective analysis tools were also utilized to generate the best strategy to overcome severe competition and rapid change of product specifications in order to maintain its leading position in the touch panel industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis