Title: 大陸面板市場,製程設備供應商之競爭策略研究
The Process Equipment Maker Strategies for China Panel Market
Authors: 鄭人豪
Keywords: 面板;中國市場;製程設備商;競爭策略;Panel;China market;Process equipment maker;Competitive strategies
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 面板產業過去是以臺日韓為主的競合市場,產能與技術推升的同時也帶給消費者更輕更薄與更普及的產品與應用。但自金融海嘯席捲全球,臺日韓面板擴廠投資急凍之際;大陸在國家發展策略及資源挹注之下,面板產業急速發展,在幾年間其市場、產能、資本支出等均已大幅移轉至大陸,成為全世界面板需求與供給的主戰場。本研究以日系製程設備商T公司為研究對象,T公司是世界第三大的半導體與面板產業製程設備商;在中國,面板事業部更是最主要的營收來源。T公司設備在所對應的面板前段製程領域擁有第一名的市佔。但在近幾個T公司參與競逐的面板新廠設備選定結果顯示,T公司正面臨其他製程設備商的滲透以及客戶採購策略調整而導致市佔逐漸下滑中。本研究根據上述的背景,希望以個案分析,透過產業專家訪談,針對市場現況以五力分析、SWOT分析、鑽石模型以分析大陸面板製程設備市場與 T公司的優劣之處,進而制定競爭策略,以期鞏固市佔、營收增加、提升T公司整體產業地位之目的。
This study is to report TFT-LCD panel process equipment maker strategies in China panel market. After Financial Tsunami, with China government encouraging development policies and resources development, China succeed to catch up Taiwan,Japan,and Korea panel marketing positions, especially in market demand and production capacity expansion and fab CAPEX. The company T is the 3rd largest process equipment maker in semiconductor and flat panel display industries and flat panel display equipment provide the major revenue of T company in its operations in China. Upon other makers’ penetration and customers purchasing strategy change, company T lost several orders and market share had reduced recently. This study was based on five force analysis, SWOT analysis and diamond model through industry experts in-depth interviews to find out the way for company T to secure market share, increase revenue and assist to setup future business competitive strategies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis