Title: 金融風暴後的台灣面板業的競合策略分析
Merger and Alliance Strategies: A Case Study of Taiwan TFT-LCD Industry
Authors: 蘇倚徵
Su, Yi-Cheng
Chu, Po-Young
Keywords: 整併與聯盟;出海口;分工與整合;TFT-LCD面板產業;競爭優勢;金融風暴;面板競爭策略;面板整合;merger and alliance;joint ventures;panel maker strategies;TFT LCD panel companies;competitive strategies;financial storm;panle maker business model;TV market
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 2008年金融風暴後,全球在失業率飆升與GDP衰退下,價格變成消費者在消費時最重要的考慮因素。本研究旨在探討於售價下跌及銷售低迷的市場氛圍下,台灣面板業整併與聯盟的策略思考。應用波特五力分析、競爭優勢、價值鏈及鑽石體的分析架構,佐以市場與技術資訊,歸納台、日、韓面板廠之間的相對競爭優勢,發現出海口的廣度及深度影響到企業的獲利及成長。 進一步從上下游整合關係與相關的財務資訊,探討台灣TFT-LCD面板產業四種未來可能的分工與整合模式,分別為:(1)韓國與日本的垂直整合與自創品牌策略,(2)開放商業模式及合資╱聯盟,(3)面板與系統廠的垂直整合,(4)針對利基產品的開放商業模式。 為解決出海口瓶頸,對於台灣面板廠商而言,在TV市場上要積極進行合資與聯盟。在新興市場中GDP成長最高的國家--中國市場,要取得先機,才有機會在未來的復甦中,拉近與三星及樂金的差距。
After the global financial storm of 2008, the product price has become one of the most critical factors of purchase to consumer given the rising unemployment rate and the declining GDP. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze merger and alliance strategic options for Taiwan TFT LCD companies that face severe competitions from Korean and Japanese firms. By adopting the frameworks of Porter’s five forces, competitive strategies, value chain and national diamond system in addition to analyzing financial information of aggregated groups, the research has proposed four potential strategies (1).vertical integration with own brands such as Samsung, LGD and Sharp, (2).open business model with joint venture or alliance with brand customers such as New Chimei and Sony, (3).quasi integration between panel and system companies(4)open business model focusing on niche products. For Taiwan TFT LCD panel companies, this thesis suggest that one should start developing joint ventures or alliances with major TV branders in emergent markets especially in China that will enjoy rising GDP. Via such they could shorten the gap with Samsung and LGD during the coming economic recovery.
Appears in Collections:Thesis