標題: 歷經金融海嘯台灣液晶面板產業如何重新建構全球競爭力
The Study of Global competitiveness for Taiwanese LCD TV Manufacturers after Financial Tsunami
作者: 朱永銓
Chu, Yung-Chuan (Yorkson)
Chen, An-Pin
Wang, Wen-Chieh
關鍵字: LCD-TV;出海口;金融海嘯;波特五大競爭力分析;中國崛起;LCD-TV;the Financial Tsunami;Porter's Five Competitive Forces;China's Rise
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 1998~1999年間, 華映、達□、奇美等廠商陸續投入大量資源,開啟了臺灣進入TFT-LCD時代。「TFT-LCD產業是百年難得一見的產業」是產業大老曾講的一句話, 2002年台灣產業產值正式超越產業的宗祖國--日本, 2006年達到行政院所研擬的「兩兆雙星」產業目標,產值突破一兆元新台幣。並於2007年台灣液晶顯示器整體產值超越韓國,達一兆870億新台幣,占全球第一位約45.5%。從此液晶顯示器儼然成為繼半導體產業以後台灣一條新興產業之路。 當「百年難得一見的產業」遇到2008年全球性的「百年難得一見的金融海嘯」,台灣面板廠的產能利用率「一夕」之間大幅落後其韓系的競爭對手,甚至僅達韓系對手的一半,兩者的差距再次拉開。2009年底,台灣引以為傲的「幸福企業」奇美電子終於不敵產業的競爭,正式宣布熄燈。目前,台灣面板產業面臨的不僅僅是排名之爭,也是公司存續之爭,更是維繫著台灣整體的競爭力(1.8兆的產業產值相對於台灣GDP約13兆新台幣)。 面對中國的崛起,是不是也同樣是個百年難得一見的產業轉型和競爭力提升的機會?對於中國這個機會,除了眾所皆知的廉價的勞動力和龐大的內需市場,充分的結合其大量的優質人才、資金、技術和上下游產業的專業,重新思考更長遠的目標和公司定位,將這個中國機會(不僅僅是市場)視為轉型的媒介,擬定策略以建構長遠的全球競爭力。希望以此研究,提供產業界對於未來競爭力建構的思考、研究單位訂定研究議題的方向,和兩岸政府產業政策制定的參考。
CPT, AUO, Chimei and other TFT makers have been put into a lot of resources from 1998 to 1999, opening Taiwan into TFT-LCD era. " TFT-LCD industry is an once-in-a century opportunity for Taiwan " worded by an industry celebrity, approved soon by that Taiwan's production value in 2002 got beyond Japan, the motherland of TFT-LCD, in 2006 reached the target of the "Two Trillion, Twin Stars " program, coordinated by Executive Yuan, and in 2007 overtook South Korea, up to a trillion 87 billion NTD, accounting for 45.5% of market value and being worldwide number 1. Nevertheless the Financial Tsunami, started from 2008Q3, made all things changed. Taiwanese panel makers lost most orders overnight and faced unprecedented difficulty that even resulted in financial crisis of CMO. In contrast to Taiwanese panel makers, Samsung & LGD live through easily and have increased their lead during this period because of their brand power & associated group's strategies. The competitiveness of TFT-LCD industry, now owning about 9% of Taiwan GDP, has really become a national issue as well as individual company's survival. In this thesis, I tried to study how we learned from the development of TFT-LCD industry in Taiwan, as well as from the weakness we found during the Financial Tsunami. In addition, China's Rise might be another once-in-a century way-out for Taiwan's TFT-LCD industry.