Title: 生活型態與產品屬性偏好影響液晶電視消費行為之研究—以台北縣市地區消費者為例
A study of the effect of lifestyle and product attributes on LCD TVs consumers' buying behavior: Taking Taipei City/County consumers as an example
Authors: 許曉嘉
Hsu, Hsiao-Chia
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 生活型態;產品屬性;消費行為;液晶電視;台北縣市;Lifestyle,;Product Attribute;Buying Behavior;LCD TV
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 隨著顯示器技術不斷變革、進步,全球電視市場近年來正逐漸從傳統的映像管電視(CRT TV)時代,轉變至平面電視時代。尤其是採用液晶面板(TFT-LCD, Thin-Film Transistor Liquid-Crystal Display,薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器)為顯示螢幕的液晶電視(LCD TV),由於關鍵零組件價格與整體系統製造端成本持續降低,正快速普及。加上新興市場如中國、印度、巴西、俄羅斯推波助瀾,更為全球液晶電視LCD TV市場添注蓬勃活力,吸引眾家電視廠商無不積極搶進,在產品設計、生產、技術、市場行銷各方面推陳出新,希望能在成長中的液晶電視市場分享商機。 本研究主要係從消費者的角度切入,以AIO(Activity活動、Interest興趣、 Opinion意見)生活型態變數為基礎,透過對於不同生活型態之消費者,其在選擇購買液晶電視時,對訊息來源、產品認知、購買通路、偏好尺寸之差異,以及不同生活型態消費者對於液晶電視之各項產品屬性的偏好,加入人口統計變數,進行統計分析,期使對於液晶電視相關廠商在產品和行銷策略之擬定,能有所助益。本研究之調查僅以台北縣/市地區的消費者為對象,調查過程期間為民國九十八年十月到民國九十八年十二月間。 經統計分析,本次受訪之消費者依生活型態之差異分為時尚社交群、高價格敏感群、低價格敏感群、慎思保守群、獨立封閉群,不同生活型態消費者在產品屬性的偏好各有不同。
As the technology of display devices continues to evolve, the global TV market has shifted gradually from traditional CRT products to flat screen in recent years. Especially, the penetration of LCD TV using TFT-LCD (Thin-Film Transistor Liquid-Crystal Display) is on a rapid speed on LCD TV due to continuous cost decrease on key components and system manufacturing. Moreover, the world’s emerging markets like China, India, Brazil, and Russia contribute strong demand to the LCD TV market and attract TV manufacturers to aggressively involve in this business and develop more creative technologies. In this study, we cut in from consumer’s perspectives by taking AIO (Activity, Interest, Opinion) lifestyle variables as market segmentation base and using consumer preference towards product attributes as variables to describe consumer behavior when buying LCD TVs. Then, we examined the significance of different variables. The sample objects are consumers in Taipei city and county area. The sampling survey was taken during Oct. to Dec. 2009. According to the results, LCD TV consumers interviewed could be segmented into five different categories include “fashion & social”, “price-sensitive”, “price-insensitive”, “cautious & conservative”, and “independent & closed” by different lifestyles. These LCD TVs consumers of each category have significant taste in product preference and attributes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis