Title: 以生活型態區隔男性消費者購買男士洗面乳之消費行為之研究-以新竹市交通大學學生為例
The lifestyle segment of male consumers to buy men's facial cleanser study of consumer behavior - A case study for the National Chiao Tung University students.
Authors: 陳昱瀚
姜 齊
Chen, Quang-Hua
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 生活型態;消費行為;購買動機;資訊尋求;產品屬性;購買實態;life style;consumer behavior;purchase motivation;sources of information;product properties;consumption reality variables
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 近幾年男士洗面乳市場規模快速擴大,成為市場關注的熱門產品由於附加功能朝多元化發展,使得男性消費者逐漸傾向於使用男性專用的洗面乳,因此男士洗面乳成長率已逐步超越女性洗面乳成長率。
Over the recent past the market for men's facial cleanser has grown rapidly. It is found that male consumers are now gradually tending to use cleansing products with functions and ingredients made especially for men. As a result the growth rate for men’s facial cleansers has progressively overtaken those of women’s.

This study uses questionnaire to collect data. The EKB model is used as a conceptual framework, and the AIO lifestyle variables are used as a basis for market segmentation. We further describe the characteristics and behavior of consumers by purchase motive variable, sources of information, product properties and consumption reality variables. All data were analyzed with methods of factor analysis, cluster analysis and Chi-square test.

The results showed that consumers of men's facial cleanser could be effectively segmented by lifestyle variables. Among the four segments, demographic variables, purchase motive variables, sources of information, product properties all manifested significantly pre- -dictions of product choice. Finally, based on the present investigation, marketing strategy are proposed for the four segmented markets.
Appears in Collections:Thesis