Title: | 女性內衣消費者購買行為與市場區隔之研究—以台北市女性消費者為例 A Study on the Purchasing Behavior and Market Segmentation of Lingerie Consumers-A Case Study for Taipei |
Authors: | 鄧莉□ Li- Hsien Teng 陳光華 Prof. Quang-Hua Chen 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 女性內衣;消費者行為;市場區隔;生活型態;Lingerie;consumer behavior;lifestyle;maketing segmetation |
Issue Date: | 2003 |
Abstract: | 隨著教育水準的提高,女性就業人口大幅提昇,導致女性消費者的消費能力激增,表現在服飾上,女性消費者對服飾的要求也從單純的舒適保暖功能,進而追求個性化、時尚化,並且同樣地影響到對女性內衣產品的需要。然而,目前關於消費者對於女性內衣消費行為之研究卻不多見,本研究希望透過女性內衣產品之消費行為,瞭解消費者在評估女性內衣產品時會注重哪些產品屬性。此外,從不同消費群體的角度去探討對產品偏好上的差異,希望有助於企業擬定其行銷策略之參考。 本研究以EKB模式作為本研究之架構,AIO生活型態變數作為市場區隔的基礎,女性內衣產品屬性與人口統計變數作為投入變數,透過消費時態變數作為消費行為之描述,將女性內衣市場區隔化。本研究範圍所探討的女性內衣僅限於基礎衣中的胸罩產品,研究對象為台北市目前已擁有女性內衣之消費者,以台北市各百貨公司女性消費者為抽樣對象進行調查。 研究結果顯示,女性內衣消費者可透過生活型態變數作有效的市場區隔,分為「創新獨立型」、「衝動購物型」、和「自在便利型」,各區隔市場消費者除了在產品屬性評估準則之材質舒適因素、搭配美觀因素無顯著差異外,在人口統計變數、購買動機、資訊尋求、產品屬性評估準則及消費實態變數上皆有顯著差異。根據研究結論,本研究最後就三個區隔市場,提出產品、價格、通路及促銷策略,作為女性內衣相關業者未來從事行銷策略規劃之參考。 As the average education level going up, advocation of equal job opportunities, there are more and more female workers. Therefore, women’s purchanse power and demands grow up sharply. For example, nowadays, wearing clothes is not only for comfort, but for beauty. Women are in pursuit for personal stylish and fasionable. Women care about not only their outside beauty, but inner beauty as well. The increasing and diversified demand of Lingerie challenge to the traditional market. But there is not easy to get the reports about the Lingerie's consumer behavior. So this study analyses the consumer behavior of Lingerie to understand what product properties when consumer buy Lingerie products emphasis. By the other way, we can confer differ groups focus on the different product properties. Then we can map out the marketing strategy about the different consumers for the enterprises. This study use EKB model to be the frame, and AIO table be the foundation of the marketing segment, Lingerie product attributes and demographic factors are used as independent variables. Consumption reality variables describe the behavior of consumers. This research discusses only brassiere of Foundation. The sample is drawn from the residents of Taipei district who own Lingerie products. The sampling frame is the shoppers to the department storesn in Taipei city.. The results show: Lingerie consumers can be successfully segmented by lifestyle variable, such as “Innovation Independent Buyer”, “ Impulsive Buyer”, and “Freedom Convenience Buyer”. Among the three market segments, Textile and artistic factors are not significant predictions of product attributes evaluation criteria. Of much more significance are demographic variables, purchase motive variable, information search, product attributes evaluation criteria, and consumption reality variables. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/59357 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |