Title: 品牌權益影響以生活型態市場區隔的消費者購買平板電腦行為之研究-以台北市居民為例
A Study of the Impact of Brand Equity on Lifestyle-Segmented Consumer Behavior for Purchasing Tablet PC – A Case of Consumers in Taipei City
Authors: 張筑茵
Chang, Chu-Yin
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 平板電腦;消費者行為;品牌權益;市場區隔;生活型態;Tablet PC;Consumer Behavior;Brand Equity;Market Segmentation;Lifestyle
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 近年來全球的資訊科技正在蓬勃發展,帶動了消費性電子產品的市場,特別是平板電腦,可望超越傳統的電腦成為資訊終端產品的主力,其功能涵蓋了瀏覽網業、通訊、遊戲、閱讀,甚至是行動支付,與現代人的生活密不可分。而品牌的概念在近年來逐漸被消費者所重視,消費這在選擇平板電腦產品時,不僅會考量產品本身的功能,也同時會考量品牌所帶來的價值。因此在既有的主流市場之中,OBM廠商面對趨緩的成長率,以及眾多的相關業者等重重的競爭壓力之下,對於產品的研發創新與品牌投資顯然是極為重要的策略,才有機會在眾多的競爭者中脫穎而出。 本論文採用EKB Model做為消費者行為的理論架構,探討從生活型態市場區隔之下,Aaker所提的品牌權益模型及如何影響台北市居民選購平板電腦。研究變數列為五大部分,分別為:人口統計變數、生活型態變數、消費者購買決策、品牌權益變數以及消費實態變數。透過網路問卷的方式對台北市消費者進行抽樣調查,回收的有效問卷共395份,並使用統計套裝軟體SPSS 12.0作為問卷資料之分析工具。研究結果顯示: (1)生活型態適合作為區隔平板電腦市場消費者的基礎 (2)平板電腦之品牌權益中的「品牌形象價值」與產品屬性的「輕巧設計」,會正向影響台北市消費者願意花費較高的價格購買平板電腦;產品的「延伸服務」則反之。
In recent years, mobile technology is booming. Especially, the Tablet PC is expected to go beyond traditional computers, and to be the maim stream of mobile technology market. Tablet PC has wide range of funtions, such as network browsing, communications, games, reading, and even mobile payment, manifesting that Tablet PC and modern life are inseparable. Moreover, brand concept is gradually being valued by consumers. When they make a purchasing choice, they will concern not only functionality of product, but also the brand benefit. Therefore, in order to stand out from the high pressure of competition in Tabelt PC market, it is really important for Own Branding and Manufacturers (OBM) to take more attentions on its brand strategy. The study adopts EKB Model as the basic frame of consumer behavior and uses lifestyle as the market segmentation, examing how brand equity propsed by Aaker impacts on people in Taipei City to purchase Tablet PC. After using SPSS 12.0 as a statistic tool to analyze 395 vaild online questionnaires which were collected from consumers in Taipei City, the results are showing below. (1)Lifestyle of consumer is suitable criteria for market segmentation of Tablet PC. (2)Consumers in Taipei City are willing to spend higher price on the Tablet PC due to “Brand value” of the brand equity and “lightweight design” of the product itself, but not due to “extended services”.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253761
Appears in Collections:Thesis