Title: 專櫃保養品消費者購買行為與市場區隔關係之研究-以台北市女性為例
A Study on Counter Skin Care Products Purchasing Behavior and Market Segmentation-Femail Consumers in Taipei City As an Example
Authors: 林宛柔
Chen, Quanghua
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 專櫃保養品;消費者行為;生活型態;市場區隔;Counter Skin Care Product;Purchasing Behavior of Consumers;Lifestyle;Market Segmentation
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract:   本研究採用問卷調查法來蒐集資料,以EKB消費者行為理論之模式探討購買決策過程,包括問題認知、資訊尋求等五個階段,發展出消費者行為變數,並且同時以AIO生活型態變數作為市場區隔之基礎,將女性專櫃保養品市場區隔為數個市場,並透過專櫃保養品之產品屬性、消費實態變數描述其消費之行為。再加上人口統計變數,具體描述與分析各個區隔市場之女性消費者的行為特性。分析方法上,以次數分配百分比、因素分析、信度分析、集群分析、區別分析、變異數分析、雪費檢定、卡方檢定等統計方法,對蒐集之樣本資料進行分析。 最後根據上述的分析,提出相關行銷策略之建議以提供專櫃保養品業者作為制定策略時之參考。   根據研究結果顯示,女性專櫃保養品消費者可透過生活型態有效區隔市場,分為「精明自主型」、「衝動購買型」和「重視品牌型」,各個區隔市場的專櫃保養品消費者在人口統計變數、購買動機、購買資訊來源、產品屬性評估準則及消費購買實態變數上有顯著差異。
In this research, the questionnairesare used to collect the data, the EKB consumer purchasing behavior model is used as a conceptual framework, and the AIO lifestyle variables are used as a basis for segmentation. Demographic factors, product properties, and consumption reality variables are used to describe the characteristics and behavior of consumers. All data are analyzed with following methods: Frequency Distribution Analysis, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, ANOVA Analysis, Scheffe’s Test and Chi-square Test. The results show that the counter skin care product consumers could be effectively segregated by lifestyle variables, such as “Prudence & Autonomous Buyer”, “Impulsive & Irrational Buyer” and “Brand-oriented Buyer”. Among the three segments, demographic variables, purchase motive variable, sources of information, product properties and consumption reality variables are significant predictions of product choice.
Appears in Collections:Thesis