Title: 企業穩健成長永續經營競爭策略之個案研究 - 以F公司為例
Steady Growth of Sustainable Management for Business Competitive Strategy - A case study of Technology Company F
Authors: 張美珠
Keywords: 半導體產業;永續經營;專家訪談;競爭策略;SWOT分析;Semiconductor Industry;Sustainability Operation;Competitive Strategy;SWOT Analysis;Expert Interview
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本個案例研究在探討F公司的領導者,憑著一股熱情與理想,與合夥人胼手胝足地,在半導體產業萌芽時期,於民國80年開始創業至今,如何從零開始,為公司產品及未來的穩健成長加以定調,並且探討在其默默的帶領經營模式下,如何能在其領域的資本市場上成為數一數二的資優生,以及如何在經營20年來始終維持完美的零虧損紀錄,並期許公司成為「亞洲半導體關鍵零組件製造領導者」。而F公司在半導體關鍵零組件本土化的過程中,透過與學界及國外之技術合作,建立了本土製造技術的競爭力,提供業界完整的供應系統與完善的服務,並深為外界所肯定。本個案從公司外部半導體大環境的剖析,再透視公司內部管理層面的SWOT分析,提出經營過程中值得與讀者分享及省思的關鍵問題,最後,再透過SWOT交叉分析過程中提出永續經營的策略方針。透過本個案的呈現,我們也期許F公司能在未來再創另一個事業的高峰,並達永續經營之目標。
In this case study, we explore a leader and his partner of F Tech. Corp. with an enthusiasm and ideal, start a business without any external funding in the infancy of the semiconductor industry since 1991. The leader not only positioning their products and the company’s steady growth in the future , but also explore their business model became one of the best funded Corp. in the semiconductor industry capital markets areas, and maintained a perfect zero-loss record in their business for 20 years. He is looking forward to his company could become the "Asian semiconductor key components manufacturing leader.” In the localization of semiconductor key components manufacturing process, F Tech. Corp., through academia and foreign technical cooperation, established local manufacturing technology competitive advantages, and provided the industry's supply chain system with perfect services and deep public recognition. In this case, after we analyzed the company external environment of the semiconductor industry, and SWOT analysis for company internal management level, we propose three key sustainable issues of business operation that worth to share with our readers. Finally, through the SWOT cross analysis, we propose a sustainable business strategy as the direction of future operations. Through the presentation of this case, we also expect F Tech. Corp. remaining strong in the semiconductor industry, and reach the goal of business sustainability operation in the near future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis