Title: 臺灣觸控面板產業之未來策略分析 以W公司為例
Strategic Analysis of the Touch Panel Industry in Taiwan - the Case Study of Company W
Authors: 林建男
Chen, An-Pin
Keywords: 觸控;OGS;個案研究;SWOT分析;In-Cell;On-Cell;Touch Panel;Case Study;SWOT Analysis;OGS;In-cell;On-cell
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 臺灣在發展觸控面板產業上,廠商充分發揮良好的管理能力,以大量製造並降低成本,成為觸控面板普及的關鍵推手,臺灣於2009年超越日本成為全球出貨比重最高的國家。然而與其他產業般,同樣面臨大陸同業競爭激烈、關鍵原物料需仰賴進口、新的技術產生替代威脅,因而廠商面臨極大挑戰。 本研究的主要目的是藉由產品生命週期、SWOT分析,以了解臺灣觸控面板廠商如何因應當前的環境,有何優勢與劣勢,以及如何擬定因應策略。另外以個案分析法了解個案公司於現今產業中,面對外在環境變遷,如何運用自身的資源和能耐,擬定何種策略因應。再則由個案分析中發現,對於產業逐漸朝大者恆大的發展,規模有限的廠商在經營策略上要專注在利基市場。 由研究資料得知,目前電容式觸控面板產業,因不同技術的差異、各廠商專精的類別不同,未來的產業發展也會有所不同。目前電容式觸控面板的整體產業,其產業生命週期雖仍處於成長起飛期階段,但GG(Glass-Glass)產品已開始進入衰退期、OGS(One Class Solution)技術在成長,GFF(Glass-Film-Film)產品卻已進入成熟期,而In-cell及On-cell則還在成長期,未來何種產品、何種技術會成為市場主流,答案仍是個未知數。因此,如何從觸控技術的差異化找出自身技術發展B的利基點,進而切入利基產品,此部份深深影響企業經營的未來發展。
The touch panel firm in Taiwan always has good management capabilities in mass production and reducing cost. Therefore, the touch panel firm in Taiwan plays the key role in the development of touch panel industry. In 2009, Taiwan surpassed Japan and became the world’s biggest export proportion country. However, touch panel manufacturers also faced fierce competition with China as other industries in Taiwan. The challenge included the following: key raw materials relied on import, threat of new substitute technology. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the strength and weakness of touch panel industry in Taiwan and get the right strategy by using the SWOT analysis, case analysis and product life cycle. According to the case analysis, there is a phenomenon that small-scale firms need to focus on the niche market to complete with large-scale firms. Because of the different capacitive touch panel technologies, different firms will have different development in the future. Although the whole capacitive touch panel industry still in the growth stage, the product like GG(Glass-Glass) is in the recession. OGS(One Glass Solution) technology is still developing, but the GFF(Glass-Film-Film) product is already in the period of maturity. Besides, In-cell and On-cell are still in the growth stage. It is difficult to identify what product or what technology will become the mainstream. Therefore, how to find the niche from the difference of its own technology is deeply affect the future development of the business.
Appears in Collections:Thesis