Title: 臺灣PET產業之競爭策略分析-以W公司為例
Competitive Strategy Analysis of PET Industry in Taiwan- A Case Study of W Company
Authors: 傅明義
Fu, Ming-I
Chen, An-Pin
Liu, Duen-Ren
Keywords: PET;個案研究;競爭策略;SWOT分析;PET Industry;Case Study;Competitive Strategy;SWOT Analysis
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 在全球經濟走向自由化的趨勢下,面對全球性的競爭壓力與市場變化,尤其是世界工廠中國的崛起,無理性的投資擴產,造成全球PET供過於求的激烈競爭,各企業面臨前所未有的營運危機,無不絞盡腦汁在思考競爭策略以擺脫困境。 企業如何隨著時空環境的變遷,不斷調整策略以維持競爭優勢?如何在考量眾多因素下,提出最佳化之決策?一直是企業經營者所需面對的難題。 本研究即從個人在職場的實戰工作經驗,透過個案研究分析進行現身說法,並期望能拋磚引玉帶動國內EMBA發展本土案例的風潮,以提升學術界的競爭力。本論文以W公司為案例,剖析過去興盛期到遭遇全球市場競爭,到努力翻身奮力向上,一路走來,在每個階段所面臨的轉折點及其重大決策,並針對其決策做競爭策略分析。 希望透過案例與問題探討的方式,提供管理階層人員及學弟妹參考與研究,不論成功或失敗,都能留下珍貴的資產與經驗。
There is a trend towards liberalization of the global economy. Companies are faced with global competitive pressures and market changes, especially the rise of China. Because of the irrational investment expansion, it caused fierce competition of global oversupply PET. Companies are facing an unprecedented operation crisis, all consider racking their brains to think about competition strategies to overcome adversity. How company continue to adjust its strategy in the space-time changes in the environment in order to maintain a competitive advantage? How to consider a number of factors to propose optimization of decisions? Those have been a business person required to solve the problem. I wrote in case study with personal practical experience in the workplace. I expect to attract valuable opinions and stimulate domestic EMBA of development of the local Case to enhance the competitiveness of academia. In this paper, I used a Case Study of W Company as an example, analyzing from flourishing period of the company to global competition, and analyzed competitive strategy at each stage when facing a turning point toward its critical decision making. Hoping that through the case and the issues discussed can provide managers and underclassmen with reference and research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis