Title: 台灣半導體設備產業現況與個案分析
The Current Situation and Case Study for Taiwan's Semiconductor Equipment Industry
Authors: 李文進
Lee, Wen-Chin
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
Keywords: 競爭策略;半導體設備產業;SWOT分析;Competitive Strategy;Semiconductor Equipment Industry;SWOT analysis
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 台灣半導體產業發展蓬勃,晶圓代工、後段封裝測試與積體電路設計等次產業的全球排名更是數一數二。 且半導體產業及影像顯示產業為我國行政院經濟建設委員會於2002年五月在行政院2785次會議中定案的『兩兆雙星產業發展計畫』中的兩大年產值超過兆元台幣的產業。 是故,台灣半導體產業的發展,無論是就國家經濟發展的角度或是對整個全球半導體供應鏈而言,均佔有舉足輕重的角色。 台灣半導體晶圓代工位居全球第一,約有70% 的市佔率,但製程設備的自製率卻約7% 至8% 的市佔率。 換言之,國內大多數半導體廠商皆是使用國外製程設備。 這對於台灣而言,等於是將每年近2 ~ 3千億元的市場拱手讓給國外大廠,且設備及零組件仰賴國外廠商,對台灣的半導體產業鏈發展極為不利。 倘若能強化半導體設備這一個重要環節,將可以讓台灣在整體半導體產業鏈更加完整。 本研究以個案研究的方式,對台灣目前半導體設備產業做一概括性探討,選擇國內設備產業具代表性的廠商來分析其競爭優勢及策略,藉由個案公司的外部環境及內部卓越能力、SWOT理論分析與產業界相關專家深度訪談等方式來分析探討台灣半導體設備產業的競爭策略及市場發展。 並根據研究結果,歸納整理出具體建議策略,以供國內相關產業領域的廠商參考。
The development of semiconductor industry is growing vigorously and is one of the most important and profitable industries in Taiwan. The market share of semiconductor manufacturing in Taiwan is approximately up to 70 %. Therefore, the development of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry holds the pivotal role in the world. Apart from the semiconductor equipment, the semiconductor industry in Taiwan has taken a leadership in the area of integrated circuit design, wafer manufacturing, packaging and testing fields. If the semiconductor equipment industry can be developed and strengthened, the Taiwan’s whole semiconductor industry chain will become even more complete and potent. In order to do that, this research hopes to understand the concise trend of development of the semiconductor equipment in the future and to find the industry competitive strategies by using the method of the case study. As a case study for this research, a classic and representative individual domestic semiconductor equipment company has been chosen to analyze. By the employing the five forces model analysis, corporate distinctive competency analysis SWOT analysis and the depth-interview, the research depicts the outcomes as to how the case-study company should develop and recommends the positive and appropriate competitive strategies which can be utilizing by other enterprises for regular review and the reference for the industry development hopefully.
Appears in Collections:Thesis