Title: 部落格口碑訊息及商店形象對消費者前往美式餐廳消費行為影響之研究 - 以台北市消費者為例
The Influence of Blog Reputation and Store Image on Consumer Behavior at the American Restaurant - The Case of Taipei City Consumers
Authors: 張羽辰
Chang, Yu- Chen
Chen, Kuang- Hua
Keywords: 部落格口碑;商店形象;美式餐廳;消費實態;Blog Reputation;Store Image;American Restaurant;Consumption
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 隨著網路的普及,網路部落格成為使用者分享生活紀錄、消費經驗及創作的平台,因此使用關鍵字搜尋部落格文章,是現代消費者在前往餐廳用餐前的常見前置動作,部落格口碑訊息為消費者重要的參考資料。而近年來,習慣外食的人口及頂客族增加,造成國內外食需求旺盛,異國餐廳櫛次鱗比而起。本研究欲了解前往美式餐廳的台北市消費者,是否會受到部落格口碑及商店形象影響消費行為。因此透過線上問卷調查的方式,總共回收415份有效問卷進行統計分析,探究消費者因為部落格口碑及商店形象,而前往美式餐廳的實際用餐情形,以及部落格口碑訊息及商店形象與消費實態之間是否存在正向關係。   根據統計分析的結果可得知,部落格口碑訊息及商店形象均會影響消費者前往美式餐廳的消費行為,而不同人口統計變數的消費者對於消費實態及消費動機亦有所不同。研究結果發現在美食部落格口碑方面,願意真實分享親身經驗、親和力及吸引力及專業度與豐富美食經驗對於消費者的「消費次數」、「消費時間」及「消費金額」皆有顯著且正向的影響;在商店形象方面,餐廳口味與份量、餐廳便利性與促銷及餐廳口碑與知名度對於消費者的「消費次數」、「消費時間」及「消費金額」皆有顯著且正向的影響。   根據研究結果,本研究建議美式餐廳業者可以透過網路部落格口碑行銷,請部落客在網路上分享實際走訪美式餐廳的經驗,同時強化自身的商店形象,提升來店消費者的數量及消費力,在眾多餐飲業者當中脫穎而出。
 With the flourishing and universal of Internet, web-blog have became the platform for people to share their life record, consumer experience and creation. Therefore, modern consumers are used to using keyword to search for the blog articles related to restaurants before they leave for restaurant to dine. So the blog reputation is consumers’ important reference material. Recently, increasing population and dinky cause exotic restaurant growing abundantly. This study takes the American restaurant as the subject for investigation to discuss the influence of consumer behavior in Taipei City by blog reputation and store image. Through online survey, 415 effective questionnairs were collected, and some statistical analysis such as regression were used to study consumer’s dining situation when they went to American restaurant.   According to the result, different demographic variables have different consumer behavior and consumer motivation. The results also found that real experience, reliability & attraction and specialty are positively influence with frequency, timing and amount of consumption on the blog reputation part. The quantity and quality of meals, convenience & promotions and reputation are positively influence with frequency, timing and amount of consumption on the store image part. This study suggest that the supervisor of American restaurant can take advantage of Blog-reputation marketing and promote store image to increase consumers’ consumption.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353712
Appears in Collections:Thesis