標題: 金融機構再生能源策略:以瑞銀台灣為例
The Renewable Energy Strategy of a Financial Institution: A Case of UBS Taiwan
作者: 王逸寧
Kang, Jin-Su
關鍵字: 金融機構;再生能源;台灣;社會企業責任;成本效益分析;能源策略;Financial Institutions;Renewable Energy;Taiwan;CSR;Cost and Benefit Analysis;Energy Strategy
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 隨著越來越多的企業對於社會企業責任(CSR)的意識抬頭, 金融機構正站在履行企業社會責任的企業領航地位以期望利用它來提升自己的聲譽。瑞銀集團(UBS),這間總部設在瑞士的全球知名的銀行也不例外,瑞銀集團(UBS)為自己設定了一個目標 – 希望在 2020年前能夠使用100%可再生能源電力,為了因應母公司的策略,各個瑞銀分公司必須有各自發展策略以實現這個社會企業責任的目標 。因此,這項研究探討瑞銀集團台灣分公司如何使用成本效益分析達到目標。 經由瑞銀環境政策與預算申請等考量,此成本效益分析結果建議瑞銀集團可以每年逐漸增加可再生能源購買額度,此方式也可以幫助瑞銀台灣在不久的將來,申請更多的企業社會責任相關的證書,以增加在台灣的公司信譽。這些結果可以提供瑞銀台灣在未來購買可再生能源一個重要的參考。由於瑞銀台灣是瑞銀集團首間購買可再生能源的亞洲分公司,該研究也期望瑞銀台灣的再生能源策略經驗給其它亞太分公司未來策略有所參考依據。
With increased awareness of corporate social responsibility (CSR), financial institutions among many industries have stood out to implement CSR hoping to utilize it to enhance their reputation. UBS, a Swiss based globally known bank, is not an exception. UBS set a goal – to source 100% of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2020. Within this global target, regional branches show different response to achieve this goal due to different degree of social norms for CSR. Thus, this case study investigates how UBS Taiwan branch could achieve this goal by analyzing costs and benefits of possible options. The results of the cost benefit analysis shows that the procurement of renewable energy annually is recommended due to the budget and the environmental policy of UBS and it can also help UBS Taiwan to apply more CSR related certificates in the near future to increase company reputation in Taiwan. These results can provide an important reference for UBS Taiwan to purchase renewable energy in the future. Since UBS Taiwan is the first Asian branch to implement renewable energy policy of UBS global, the research may extend its contribution to provide the strategic experience of UBS Taiwan for other UBS APAC countries in the future.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353010
Appears in Collections:Thesis