標題: 溶液製程薄膜電晶體之薄膜圖案化及表面能控制
Patterning and Surface Energy Control of Solution-Processed Thin-Film Transistor
作者: 陳俊智
關鍵字: 薄膜電晶體;刮刀塗佈;6,13-雙(三異丙基矽烷基乙炔基)五環素;銦鎵鋅氧化物;TFT;blade coating;6,13-Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) Pentacene;IGZO
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本論文以溶液製程刮刀塗佈有機/無機材料,對膜的表面形貌研究與分析。 第一部分,使用高穿透的金屬氧化物(IGZO)製作薄膜電晶體,為了能廣泛地應用於顯示器中,製程技術的提升有助於成膜的改善,及其更便利的運用,因此為了免去主動層材料的蝕刻才達到圖形化製程,所以需要有別於傳統技術的黃光顯影,在這目標是利用親疏水的差異到達直接圖形化,圖形能被控制地好受到塗佈時的影響,在這成功地能在室溫下的將液態的IGZO溶液塗佈自主地圖形化一區一區且獲得約載子遷移率約為 ~1的薄膜電晶體。 第二部分,使用具結晶性高的有機材料(Tips-pentacene),成膜技術也是利用區域性的表面處理直接塗佈成膜,搭配刮刀製程達到低溫拉晶的效果,也成功的在微小的區域長類單晶的膜,也發現在不同表面處理的基板成膜,會有不同的結晶效果。
This dissertation aims to study surface morphology of thin film which is using blade coating inorganic/organic materials. In the first part, using high optical transparency metal oxide(IGZO) to fabricate TFT. Considering the widely used in display technology, promoting process technology well to help it to improve film formation, and it is convenient to use in application. In order to avoid etching the active layer to pattern directly process, so we need process different from traditional patterning (e.g., photolithography). This dissertation aims to develop direct-pattern process by enhancing the contrast of hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity and to well control patterns which have a great influence on coating performance. We successfully form IGZO films of the image areas and non-image areas by blade coating at room temperature and The TFT reach about 1 〖cm〗^2/Vs. In the second part, using higher crystalline organic material(Tips-pentacene), thin-film forming technique is regional treatment of surface to directly pattern in coating process which is crystal alignment of TIPS-Pentacene during blade coating. We successfully micro pattern single-crystal-like film. We find the varied shape of crystals grown and on different treatment surface and characteristic properties.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070350613
Appears in Collections:Thesis