標題: 應用限制理論思維程序協助中階經理人推動變革---以航空發動機零件修理廠為例
Applying The Thinking Process of TOC Theory to Assist Middle Managers to Facilitate Change.---A Case Study on Parts Repair Shop of Aero Engine
作者: 李雲
Lee, Yun
Li, Rong-Kwei
關鍵字: 限制理論;思維程序;中階經理人;生產管理;航空發動機;Theory of constraint;The thinking process;Middle manager;Production management;Aero engine
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 幾乎所有的變革方法均將高階管理人員的支持和領導,列為成功改革的必要條件之一。如果高階管理人員尚未認同當前變革的必要,他的幕僚人員是否只能繼續嘗試說服高階管理人員,而不能自行採取實質行動?本文所要探討的是權力和資源有限的中階經理人,在缺乏公司經營者支持的情況下,是否可運由限制理論的思維程序,為中階經理人分析所面臨的問題和環境,在其權限範圍內,量身訂做出適合的改善計畫。 本案例以一家航空發動機維修廠的零件修理中心為對象,利用TOC限制理論思維程序,分析該工廠零件修理準時交貨率偏低的問題、並設計出在該廠經理人權限內的改善方案。經過執行之後,該廠的準時交貨率獲得部分的改善。該廠經理人並利用此次改善經驗和成果,說服公司取消了原有錯誤的生產力指標。
Most improvement programs have listed the lead and support of top management as one of the necessary conditions of success. If the top management has not recognized the necessity of launching an improvement program yet, can his staffs launch some partial actions to prove their idea, instead of continually providing more documents and proposal to convince him. This thesis is trying to help middle manager who has limited power and resources analyze his problem and design a tailor-made improvement plan by using the thinking process of TOC(Theory of Constraint). This thesis applies the method to a parts repair shop of an aero engine overhaul factory as a real example to analyze their problem of low due date performance, and design a tailor-made improvement plan which is within the authorization of the manager of the engine overhaul facility. After implemented the program, the shop has partially improve its due date performance. Furthermore, the manager has convinced the top management to change their wrong key performance index of productivity by using the data of the improvement program.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070063302