標題: 企業再造-應用限制理論於物料管理之研究-以我國某國防研究機構為例
Business Reengineering-An Application of TOC in Material Management-Case Study of A Defense Weapon Development and Research Institute In Taiwan
作者: 王智弘
Chih-Hong Wang
Ching-En Lee
關鍵字: 企業再造;限制理論;物料管理;Business Process Reengineering(BPR);Theory Of Constraints(TOC);Material Management
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 在企業環境變化日亟,科技發展日新月異之下,企業生存的條件愈來愈嚴苛,昨日卓越的要件,卻往往成了明日成長的絆腳石;以往賴以發展的利基,則多面臨顛覆式的挑戰。再加上企業間的合縱連橫,讓企業競爭的強度,更是火上加油!於此之際,企業要救亡圖強,長躋顛峰,必須提升自我競爭力,採行有效振興策略,以攻城掠地。為了確保策略具競爭性,必須藉重組織內部核心流程改造,並將組織、人力、物力、財力等資源作有效運用。其中物料管理是降低成本、改善體質的重要步驟。而欲做好物料管理,唯有透過物料管理制度的加強及建立,才能使組織以低成本、高效率的方式運作,提高企業整體之競爭力。 本研究之目的,即利用系統分析方法-限制理論(TOC),實際應用於我國某國防研究機構,探討其物料管理制度的良窳與未來落實之作法,協助該企業組織發掘問題,進行改造,以洞悉未來推動方向,並提升其競爭優勢。
The business environment and the technology change dramatically day by day, the criteria for the survival of an enterprise become stricter. The key elements of the past prominence may hinder the growth in the future. The advantageous position of the past faces overthrowing challenges. The alliance among companies adds fuel to the intensity of competition. Under the circumstances, an enterprise has to adopt effective strategies to save itself from collapsing. To ensure its competitive advantage, the core processes have to be reengineer and such sources as organization, manpower, materials and finance must be used properly. Among them, the management of materials is one of the most important steps to lower the cost and improve the substance. The purpose of this research is to apply the systematic thinking approach-TOC (Theory Of Constraints)to a defense weapon development and research institute in Taiwan. The strength and weakness of its material management system is first discussed. Implementation plan is then presented step-by-step using TOC methodology.