標題: 實習教師採用行動式教育實習支援系統的行為及態度改變歷程之研究
Investigating student teachers’ behavior and attitude change during the adoption of a mobile support system for student teaching
作者: 謝禮安
關鍵字: 實習教師;教育實習;行動科技/無所不在科技;學習支援系統;student teacher;studentteaching;mobile/ubiquitous technology;learning support system
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本研究旨在探討實習教師使用適應實習教學與學習的行動科技支援系統(Adaptive Support System Initiated for Student Teachers, ASSIST)之行為及態度改變歷程,本研究共招募十二位實習教師參與,觀察他們在教育實習過程中使用ASSIST系統的狀況,並了解影響他們使用ASSIST系統的因素。 研究結果發現:(1)實習教師們初參與研究時,都對此系統抱持著高度興趣,期望能對實習過程產生幫助,因此較為積極使用,但後續未能養成使用習慣,因此整體使用率偏低。最常使用的功能為行事曆與留言板,其次是座位表和討論區,觀察筆記與省思筆記的使用次數則偏低;(2)影響實習教師使用ASSIST的主要因素有四,分別為:實習教師個人因素、外在環境因素、硬體設備因素以及ASSIST系統特性因素;其中最大的阻礙因素是實習教師擔心在課堂上使用影響他人觀感;(3)實習教師自陳在實習後,知識方面的轉變較多,行動科技與ASSIST系統給予的協助主要在快速獲取資訊以及系統化的記錄;但在信念方面,實習前後無明顯差異,行動科技和ASSIST系統亦無法對其信念產生影響。 本研究建議未來推廣類似系統時,可改善硬體設備,並開發相容性更高、符合不同科目實習教師需求的軟體,以招募更多受試者參與,且在受試者進行教育實習前事先導入系統,縮短適應期並培養使用習慣,配合行動科技與網頁版討論區,加強實習教師彼此的連結性,觀察是否可以透過網路討論社群的發展,影響實習教師在實習過程中之知識與信念轉變。
This study investigates student teachers’ attitude change and use behavior of a mobile support system called the Adaptive Support System Initiated for Student Teachers (ASSIST). Twelve student teachers were recruited to use the ASSIST for supporting their student teaching and, in addition to their system-use attitudes and behavior, factors influencing their system use were explored. The findings indicated that the students were highly interested in using the ASSIST and frequently used the system to support their student teaching in the beginning but they did not form the habit of regularly using the ASSIST to support their student teaching in the end. The most frequently used functions are the calendar and the message board followed by the seating arrangement table and the discussion forum, and the observation-note function and the reflection-note function are the least used functions. Factors influencing the student teachers’ use of the ASSIST include student teachers’ personal factors, external factors, equipment factors, and the system factors. The major obstacle to the student teachers’ use of the ASSIST is their concern about others’ viewpoints on their system use in classrooms. The student teachers reported their knowledge gains during the student teaching, and they thought the ASSIST provided them with instant information and allowed them to keep systematic records. Yet, the student teachers did not show significant belief change after the student teaching, and the experiences of using the ASSIST seemed to have no influence on the student teachers’ teaching beliefs. It is suggested the mobile equipment be improved and the system be compatibly designed to meet the needs of student teachers of various subjects. More participants can be recruited in advance, and they can be trained to form the habit of fluently using the system before the student teaching. Thus, via functions such as the discussion forum, the participants can develop a community of student teachers. Whether the development of an online community fosters student teachers’ knowledge and belief changes can also be investigated.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079848545
Appears in Collections:Thesis