標題: 運動行銷公司之創新商業模式 -以大佳運動行銷公司為例
A research of Sports Marketing Company business model -A Case Study of Dajia Marketing Company
作者: 吳若瑀
Wu, Ruo-Yu
Hung, Chih-Young
關鍵字: 運動產業;路跑運動;資源整合;策略;商業模式;Sports Road Race;Sports Industry;Strategy;Resource Integration;Business Model
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在日益先進的國家,運動產業的營收占比愈來愈大,如同美國,自2009年,運動產業產值已高達到 4140 億美金(Plunkett Research, Ltd, 2010),相較於 2006 年,成長幅度也有 6.2%,近十年來美國運動產業的年平均成長率為 9.4%。由此可知,運動產業的成長相較於其他行業高出許多。 除了美國與歐洲,亞太和其他地區,在運動產業營收也是不斷增長。運動產業的主要內涵,除了大型運動聯賽和球隊,其他相關行業包括了運動用品製造、運動服裝、運動賽事媒體、運動用品零售通路、運動代言、運動廣告、運動行銷等都是運動產業產值的一環。而運動行銷屬於非商業性的投資,和傳統的行銷活動相比,運動行銷是在特定的場地、針對目標族群、進行一段期間的聚焦行銷,這種採取置入式行銷的操作方式,花費的預算不大,但可帶來的經濟延伸效益卻相當驚人。 在台灣的運動產業中,近五年發展最為快速蓬勃的,就是路跑運動,在2015年即高達623個賽會場次。自2010年開始,台灣路跑賽事逐漸興起,在各賽事主辦單位及路跑相關團體積極推廣之下,運動行銷的概念已逐漸在民眾生活運動及企業行銷規劃中占有一席之地,早期多數企業並不了解運動行銷能夠創造的效益,但近幾年開始透過路跑賽會來做行銷的企業及廠商愈來愈多。 本研究以路跑運動賽會的承辦,來研究台灣路跑運動行銷公司的營運,以大佳運動行銷公司為例,探討其商業的獲利模式以及行銷手法。本研究發現,一個賽事的承辦,要達到最大的商業獲利,最主要的就是承辦的運動行銷公司,如何整合所有的資源及供應鏈,透過有效的異業結盟及競爭差異,從中取得獲利,並維持永續經營,本研究透過深入的個案分析,從商業的四個構面及九個重點要素,來歸納出營運模式的最佳策略。
In an increasingly advanced countries, the proportion of revenue sports industry is more higher and higher, as the United States, since 2009, the sports industry output value reached 414 billion US dollars has been high (Plunkett Research, Ltd, 2010), compared to 2006, growth the rates are 6.2% over the past decade the US sports industry average annual growth rate of 9.4%. From this, the growth of the sports industry compared to other industries is much higher. In addition to the United States and Europe, Asia and elsewhere in the sports industry revenue is also growing. The main content of the sports industry, in addition to major sports leagues and teams, and its related industries, including the manufacture of sports goods, sportswear, sports events media, sporting goods retail channel, sports endorsements, sports advertising, marketing and other sports are sports industry output a ring. The sports marketing belong to non-commercial investment, and marketing activities compared to the traditional, sports marketing is a specific site for the target groups, focusing marketing period, which take into formula marketing operation, it takes budget is not to higher, but can bring economic benefits extension is quite amazing. In this study, road race sports tournament contractor to study Taiwan's road race sports marketing company's operations, and a large good sports marketing company, for example, to explore its business model and profit marketing practices. The study found that a contractor tournament, to achieve maximum business profit is the main contractor of sports marketing company, How to integrate all the resources and supply chain, through effective cross-sector coalitions and competitive differentiation, which made a profit, and to maintain sustainable development, In this study, through in-depth case studies from four facets and nine key elements of business, to summarize the best strategy for the business model.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070263512