标题: 一种用于车辆挡风玻璃上的显示器
A Car-Windshield Information Display
作者: 吴庭宇
Wu, Ting-Yu
Yang, Kei-Hsiung
关键字: 车辆;抬头显示器;萤光膜;微型投影机;HUD;pico-projector;Fluorescent film
公开日期: 2016
摘要: 抬头显示器,能让驾驶者的视线在不用離开前挡风玻璃的情况下就能得知行车资讯,诸如车速、导航及车况等等,以维持行車安全。然而,市面上已有许多不同类型的抬头显示器,具有同样功能。但在规范、成本及设计上都有或多或少的差异,因此本研究之目的,在探讨以往不同类型且有类似功能的抬头显示器技术。
论文中的重点技术是采用尚立光电所提供的LCoS微型投影机,以及向Sun Innovations, Inc. 公司所购买的G-450与B405-HA萤光膜,此萤光膜具有高穿透性与高转换效率等特性。把萤光膜贴附在挡风玻璃上,在使用近UV光和蓝光的LCOS微型投影机投射在膜片上,并显示资讯出现在驾驶员的视野范围内,这新颖的产品允许在车上所有的人看到交通资讯并改善行车安全。然而,这显示器若要被当作HUD使用则亮度还太低,本论文最后讨论改进其亮度与各种方法。
Head-Up Display(HUD) is a driver-safety information display device which allows drivers obtain information of speed, navigation and vehicle conditions while driving. There are many HUDs based on various technologies in the market. However, there are limited information concerning their designs and costs. In the thesis, we will study on possible improvements on HUDs’ functions and focus mainly on a car-windshield display that consists of a LCoS (liquid crystal on silicon chip) micro-projector provided by Shinyoptics, and purchased G-450 and B405-HA fluorescent films placed on the windshield. The fluorescent films have high transmittances and high conversion efficiencies. With a fluorescent film attached to the windshield, the output of LCoS micro-projector in near UV or blue light excites the fluorescent film to display visible information appearing in driver’s viewing sights. This novel product allows all people in car to see the traffic information to improve traffic safety. However, the brightness of this display is too low to be used as a HUD, and possible improvements on brightness have been discussed.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070358201