標題: 媒體文化與科技的競合:多媒體互動新聞敘事之媒材、互動與權力
The Co-opetition between Media Culture and Technology: Medium, Interactivity and Power of Multimedia Journalism
作者: 黃翊琪
Huang, Yi-Chi
Chang, Yu-Pei
關鍵字: 多媒體;互動性;新聞敘事;文本分析;感官語言;權力規訓;multimedia;interactivity;news narrative;text analysis
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在數位時代來臨之際,科技發展考驗著新聞媒體的本質,也促成乘載新聞媒介載體的轉變。本研究探索網路新聞專業發展的理想與可能,研究目的在於探討文字、紀實攝影、視覺化資料和聲音等多元媒材,輔以網頁程式技術,如何塑造出新型態的新聞敘事。研究方法以文本分析為主,蒐集近2年來重要的多媒體互動新聞敘事案例,包括:The New York Times、CNN、The Guardian、Al Jazeera、The Wall Street Journal、South China Morning Post等國際媒體,共找出8個具代表性的數位文本,試圖從中找尋數位新聞敘事的典範模式。   研究發現有四。第一,以符號語言觀點剖析多媒體敘事,文字適時轉移主敘事地位予感官語言,意義可藉由純粹的影像所定錨,不必然有旁白、字幕等言辭語言的協助;當感官語言作為輔助角色時,則有助於提供線索、建構報導權威性,並增添趣味性,構連閱聽人的情緒與認知;而多媒體共構時,有助於營造報導情境,激發臨場感。第二,互動敘事的設計體現科技透明性,增加閱聽人的控制力,包含滾動、觸碰、點擊和拖曳四種方式,彰顯互動的層次與表意內涵,提升瀏覽效率、實踐參與文化。第三,敘事結構有單線性與多線性兩種,前者善於表述故事之一隅,後者則可運用多元角度呈現故事的全貌。第四,數位媒體的新敘事模式仍存在既有權力規訓的論述機制,從文本的生產與閱聽人的消費之間,反映社會場域中的權力運作。
During the digital age, the development of technology affects the nature of news media and facilitates the transformation of medium. This study tries to explore more possibility and different idealism in professional digital news. The purpose of the study is to realize how to use multimedia (text, photo, visualizing data and sound) and web programming to shape a news narrative. This study picked out 8 multimedia interactive news for the past two years as case study and used qualitative method-text analysis being research method. These cases were produced by several top international media, such as The New York Times, CNN, The Guardian, Al Jazeera, The Wall Street Journal and South China Morning Post, etc. The study findings are as follows: First, from a semiology perspective, the importance of text is no longer stronger than image, because meaning can be anchored with image instead of assistance of text, like subtitle, aside. In other hands, while image plays a supporting role, it helps to provide surrounding cues with authority and increase some interestingness within the coverage. Secondly, the interactive design embodies technology’s transparency and strengthens the sense of control by audience, for example, using scroll, touch, click and drag to demonstrate interactive levels and express the connotation. It not only upgrades the efficiency of web page browsing, but also enacts participatory culture on the internet. Third, there are two narrative structures, including single linear and multilinear model. The former one is expert in telling part of a story and the latter one is able to explain a whole story with different angles.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259133
Appears in Collections:Thesis