Title: 綠色行銷對消費者購買身體乳液意願研究——以台北市消費者為例
The Influence of Green Marketing on Consumer’s Purchase Intention for Body Lotion: An Example of Consumers in Taipei City
Authors: 蔡沂伶
Tsai, Yi-Ling
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 身體乳液;綠色行銷;購買意願;Body Lotion;Green Marketing;Purchase Intention
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 綠色時代來臨,市場上生產者與消費著的行為皆受綠色思潮影響而漸漸改變,越來越多的消費者開始關心環境並且購買綠色產品,生產者開始採用更多的當地原物料、更環保且低污染的材質製造商品,生產與消費雙方愈來愈重視身心發展與環境永續之間的平衡。雖然近年來,綠色行銷已被廣泛探討與應用,但有關環保保養品之議題卻相對較少被討論,因此本研究著重於探討保養品中具代表性的身體乳液,廠商採用綠色行銷策略時對消費者購買意願之影響。
As the age of green rises, producer and consumer behavior are generally changing due to the impact of green thoughts. More and more consumers have begun to care about the environment and purchase green products, and the producers also have begun to use local raw materials, environmentally friendly and less polluting material to manufacture products. Balance between human development and environmental sustainability are getting more attentions from both production and consumption sides. In recent years, green marketing has been widely discussed and adopted, but issues on green skin care products are relatively less discussed. The study emphasizes on body lotion and the influence of green marketing on consumer’s purchase intention for body lotion.
The study uses EKB model as the framework of which divides green marketing into product, price, place, and promotion dimensions, and through questionnaires survey and statistical analysis to explore whether these factors have the impact on consumer’s purchase intention for body lotion. The result shows that green marketing has positive significant correlation with purchase intention for body lotion. In addition, there are significant differences about purchasing motive, sources of information, and product attributes evaluation for body lotion of consumers from gender, age, profession, and disposable income.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353725
Appears in Collections:Thesis