Title: 運用限制理論 Demand Pull驗證優化售貨週數 -以F公司為例
Base on TOC Demand Pull to optimize Days sales of inventory - A Case Study of F Company
Authors: 余明男
Yu, Ming-Nan
Li, Rong-Kwei
Keywords: 限制理論;售貨週數;TOC;Days sales of inventory
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 由於政府及產業界的大力扶持,台灣的IC設計產業一直在上中下游產業鏈中扮演舉足輕重的角色。再加上產業界自身的努力,各個IC設計公司早已經成為電子產業不可或缺的夥伴。但是在全球化的壓力下,來自各方的競爭將愈顯激烈。尤其在此微利時代,市場上的稍微波動都可能會侵蝕掉企業原有的獲利。因此成本及庫存量的管控一直都是IC設計公司必須要嚴肅面對的議題〔1〕。如何具備技術研發能力及成本優勢,已成為目前企業最大課題之一。企業一方面必須滿足客戶隨時增長的需求,避免缺貨造成客戶流失,一方面又需降低庫存風險,以減少庫存積壓過多資金,造成營運壓力,企業為此經常陷於兩難。 本論文研究之目的,就在於運用TOC所提出的拉式補貨機制與動態緩衝管理方法(Demand Pull & Buffer Management) 〔5〕。協助企業設定目標庫存水位,補貨機制及調整庫存水位等指標,並模擬庫存管理作業,與過去狀況進行比較。提出對企業減少庫存周轉天數有利的建議。達到客戶需求與庫存雙贏的結果。並證明 TOC Demand Pull & Buffer Management方法確實優於目前操作。
Taiwan IC design industry has become the global consumer electronics industry, an indispensable partner, but under the pressure of globalization, in particular the impact of cost control at maximum, how have the technical research, development capabilities and cost advantage has become the largest corporate issue. On the one hand, companies must meet the needs of customers at any time to avoid the shortage, on the other hand, Companies need to reduce inventory risk, avoid high inventory backlog too much working capital, this paper's purpose is to develop the proposed use of TOC demand pull & buffer management, to help companies set a target inventory levels, replenishment mechanism and adjust inventory levels and other indicators, inventory management and simulation work, and compare with the past situation, comparison, inventory turnover days has been effective in reducing to a reasonable level, to meet customer demand and inventory win results and prove TOC Demand Pull & Buffer Management approach does better than the current operation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070063323
Appears in Collections:Thesis