标题: 香兰素对丁醇生产的影响与固定化细胞连续式丁醇生产的评估
The influence of vanillin on biobutanol production and the evaluation of continuous biobutanol production by immobilized cells
作者: 温惠茹
Wen, Huei-Ru
Lin, Jin-Gaw
Chen, Wen-Hsing
关键字: Clostridium;香兰素;固定化细胞;木质纤维素;ABE发酵;Clostridium;Vanillin;Immobilized cells;Lignocellulosic;ABE fermentation
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 由于石化燃料供应有限造成价格通货膨胀,以及面临温室效应和气候变迁等问题,世界各国纷纷积极发展生质能源,以减缓石油消耗、节约能源和符合环保的重要性。目前已产业化发展的生质酒精与生质柴油之外,还可利用Clostridium菌株经由ABE发酵生产丁醇,具有比乙醇较高的能量密度,其辛烷值接近汽油可均匀混和且含水量低不需改装车辆引擎,是具有前瞻性的一种生质燃料。
在台湾地区每年产出约两百万公吨的农业废弃物,若透过生质能源技术将废弃物精炼为可再生资源,可以减少农业废弃物对环境造成的污染和降低温室效应气体的排放。木质纤维素生物质经过特定预处理过程后,会产生可溶解糖供给微生物作为发酵糖使用,而水解副产物中的香兰素属于酚类化合物的一种,其导致乙醇发酵有明显抑制作用,但对ABE发酵则较少被探讨;另外将微生物包埋于PVA-海藻酸钠制备为固定化颗粒以提高细胞密度,并进行连续式ABE发酵操作于上流式生物反应槽,可减少停滞时间与减缓丁醇产物抑制问题,所以本实验使用C. saccharoperbutylacetonicum N1-4经由ABE发酵过程生产丁醇,探讨批次式悬浮细胞存在于香兰素对细胞浓度、葡萄糖利用率和酸醇变化之影响,并利用Gompertz方程式进行分析结果;与连续式固定化细胞在不同稀释率下获得最佳丁醇产量和生产率之讨论。
在悬浮细胞实验中,批次基质包含25 g/L葡萄糖、2.5 g/L乙酸和2 g/L丁酸,若添加0.5 g/L香兰素导致微生物延迟4天将葡萄糖消耗完全,而细胞浓度有20%抑制生长情形造成丁醇浓度下降33%,香兰素藉由ABE发酵过程参与还原反应可转换为香草醇,此物质可降低对微生物的毒害且生物转换率为74%,而香兰素浓度若提升至微生物无法负荷仍可能造成严重抑制。在固定化细胞实验中,从细胞浓度与葡萄糖利用率之评估可得0.01 h-1稀释率为最佳丁醇生产条件,而随着稀释率提升至0.03 h-1显示总ABE产量和产率有逐渐增加趋势,此时有最高丁醇产量和产率分别为0.28 g/g 和0.15 g/L/h,而批次式的丁醇产量和产率分别为0.24 g/g 和0.06 g/L/h,相较之下得知连续式固定化优于批次式悬浮细胞生产丁醇,当连续进料基质包含25 g/L葡萄糖、2.5 g/L乙酸和2 g/L丁酸时,操作于0.03 h-1稀释率与丁酸浓度降为1 g/L所获得之丁醇产量和产率差异不大,表示上流式生物反应槽具有稳定性且连续式操作可以减少停滞时间。
High demand and apply of fossil fuel has caused not only shortage problem, but also greenhouse effect and climate change. Therefore, the development and application of biomass energy has caught the attention around the world to reduce fossil fuel consumption and energy conservation to be eco-friendly. Beside bio-ethanol and bio-diesel that had industrialized developed, bio-butanol can be prospective biofuels product by Clostridium through ABE fermentation process. This is because bio-butanol has a higher energy density than ethanol, and can be uniformly mixed with gasoline due to their similar octane number. Low water content without modification of vehicle engine is not necessary as well because bio-butanol has low water content. This would be a high prospective biofuel.
Taiwan's has annual output of two million tonnes agricultural wastes, these agricultural waste can become renewable resources through biomass technology so that the reduction greenhouse gas emission can be achieved. Lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment process will produce some degradation byproducts and soluble sugar that can be use as a fermentable sugar for microorganism. Vanillin in compound of hydrolysis byproducts belongs to a type of phenolic compound, which results in significantly inhibited ethanol fermentation, however the ABE fermentation was less been explored. Microorganisms was embedded in PVA- Alginate as immobilized cells to increase cell density, and ABE fermentation was occurred inside the upflow bioreactor operated in continuous condition which can help to reduce the dead time and reduce the inhibition of butanol production. Butanol will be produce by C. saccharoperbutylacetonicum N1-4 through ABE fermentation process in this experiment. Investigation of the influence of batch free cells with and without vanilla on the cell concentration, glucose utilization and changes in solvent will be carry out in this experiment. After that Gompertz equation will be used to analyze the results.
During the free cell experiment, with the medium containing 25 g/L glucose, 2.5 g/L acetic acid and 2 g/L butyric acid, if 0.5 g/L vanillin was added, the complete glucose consumption by microbes will be delayed for four days. The alcohol concentration will be decreased by 33% due to the inhibition of the growth of cell concentration by 20%. Vanillin involved in the reduction reaction can be converted to vanillyl alcohol through ABE fermentation process, this substance can reduce the toxicity to microorganisms and biological conversion rate by 74%, but if the concentration of vanillin unable to load up to microbes may still cause severe suppression. In the immobilized cell experiment, at dilution rate of 0.01 h-1, the glucose utilization rate and cell concentration is the highest, which will provide best condition for butanol production. The continuous operation with dilution rate increased to 0.03 h-1 show the gradually increasing trend of ABE yield and ABE productivity. At dilution rate of 0.03 h-1, the butanol production and yield were highest, which are 0.28 g/g and 0.15 g/L/h respectively while in the batch operation, the butanol production and yield were 0.24 g/g and 0.06 g/L/h. Therefore, by comparison, the butanol productivity and yield of continuous operation is better than batch operation. On the other hand, when two continuous feed media with 0.03 h-1 dilution ratio, both containing 25 g/L glucose, 2.5 g/L of acetic acid with one containing 2 g/L butyric acid and another containing 1 g/L butyric acid, the difference in butanol productivity and yield is negligible, which represents that the up-flow bioreactor is stable and the continuous operation can reduce the dead time.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070251725