Title: 可程式邏輯控制器應用於直線型倒單擺系統控制之研究
Study on the Programmable logic Controller applied to the Linear Inverted Pendulum System Control
Authors: 廖世穎
Liao, Shih-Ying
Cheng, Stone
Keywords: 可程式控制器;直線型倒單擺;模糊控制理論;Programmable Logic Controller;linear inverted pendulum system;fuzzy inference
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本篇論文主要是針對可程式控制器(PLC)應用於直線型倒單擺系統(Linear Inverted Pendulum System)之研究。可程式控制器PLC在現代已是成熟的自動控制系統,本研究利用了模糊控制理論(Fuzzy Control Theory)撰寫PLC程式控制直線型倒單擺系統,以探討此序列型控制器在控制不穩定倒單擺系統時之響應。本研究依學理分析設計直線型倒單擺直立控制實驗平台及維持倒單擺直立之馬達定位控制器: 1.直立控制實驗平台部份:此控制器主要功能是使倒單擺能穩定維持在直立狀態,當單擺偏轉θ角時,將利用電阻器和運算放大器構成之非反相電壓隨耦器(Non-Invertering Voltage)將偏轉角度轉成電位信號,再由PLC A/D模組將電位信號轉換成相對數值存入PLC資料暫存器中,PLC模糊控制器進行數據模糊化,並依模糊推論之規則條件轉化成相應之數值控制驅動伺服器使直線型倒單擺進行位移。 2.馬達定位控制器部份:主要是要不斷修正倒單擺機構的平衡位置,一直維持在直線型伺服馬達皮帶之中間點,避免直立控制器要維持單擺在直立穩定而到達伺服馬達皮帶的左右極限,而使系統無法再控制倒單擺直立平衡。 另以Pro-face 開發能方便清楚操作及監控PLC控制系統之人機介面,使得操作及監控更簡易。
This work presents fuzzy control algorithm implemented by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for linear inverted pendulum system to investigate the sequence control performance in the pendulum system. PLC is a mature modern automation system used in many industrial applications. Linear inverted pendulum control experiment platform is very suitable for the research on control algorithm verification. To verify the response of inverted pendulum system and load disturbance rejection capacity, a fuzzy inference is designed and analyzed in PLC controller. By the theoretical analysis, this study designed a linear inverted pendulum experiment platform to maintain an upright balanced position controlled by PLC and servo motor. Linear inverted pendulum platform has a balance sensor to feedback the deflection angle position to PLC system through A/D conversion module. PLC calculated the conditions of the fuzzy rules inference and converted to the corresponding value of the control drive for servo system. The linear belts positioning system driven by servo motor constantly revised pendulum equilibrium position to maintained at an intermediate point. This study also developedaconvenient Pro-face user interface and monitoring the operation of PLC control system, making operation and monitoring easier.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070061611
Appears in Collections:Thesis