標題: 國際郵輪掛靠基隆港之營運策略分析與規劃
Strategic Analysis and Planning of Keelung Port as a Destination Port
作者: 林佩怡
Lin, Pei-I
Yao, Ming-Jong
關鍵字: 郵輪;掛靠港;平衡計分卡;策略管理;Cruises;Destination Ports;Balanced Scorecard;Strategic Management
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 郵輪產業近年在亞洲旅遊市場形成顯著成長的趨勢,郵輪船隊佈署重心紛紛移轉至亞洲。在臺灣所有港口的國際郵輪業務發展,基隆港不管是母港或掛靠港操作都表現亮眼,故如何面對亞洲郵輪觀光崛起之風潮,研擬並規劃所需之發展策略乃當務之急。 因應上述研究背景與動機下,本研究聚焦基隆港國際郵輪掛靠服務營運策略的分析與規劃,運用平衡計分卡為研究方法,分別以郵輪航商、旅客為服務對象,推擬四大構面的策略目標、衡量指標,並謹慎檢視邏輯因果關係,逐層描繪策略地圖,進而提出對應的行動方案,以持續提升基隆港國際郵輪航商及遊客的服務品質。
Cruise tourism has enjoyed significant growth in both the capacity deployment and the market-size of passengers in Asia recently. Operating both as a turnaround port and a destination port, Keelung Port has been the most outstanding one among all the ports in Taiwan in cruise visits and passenger volumes. With this booming trend in Asia, it’s critical for the port managers of Keelung to come up with well-defined development and operations strategies. Following our motivation above, this study would focus on the strategic analysis and planning for Keelung Port as a destination port. We would apply Balanced Scorecard to examine the strategic goals and key concerns from four perspectives, carefully build the logic links between two neighboring perspectives, establish strategy maps, and propose the corresponding action items as the means to improve the service quality of cruise lines and visitors as destination port for Keelung.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363611