Title: 資訊資本齊備程度之研究-以H公司與N公司為個案研究
The information Capital Readiness –The Case Study of H Corporation and N Corporation
Authors: 李珮鈺
Pei-Yu Lee
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 平衡計分卡;資訊資本;資訊科技投資;Balanced Scorecard;Information capital;Information Technology Investments
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 隨著資訊世代的來臨,資訊科技對於企業組織而言,已是相當重要且不可缺少的重大資產。企業如何有效運用資訊資產;如何將資訊資本發揮到極限;如何讓資訊資本幫助企業更為茁壯,將是公司高層主管與資訊人員必須重視的課題。
本研究主要希望以Kaplan & Norton (2003) 所提出的策略性資訊資源規劃架構之觀點,輔以個案公司執行的過程與結果,探討這個架構對個案公司資訊資源規劃的影響及問題。
研究結果發現,Kaplan & Norton所提出的策略性資訊資源應用架構確實對個案公司在規劃與執行資訊系統時有所助益。除了幫助個案公司清楚掌握資訊資本外,在進行資訊資本專案時,也能夠與公司策略相結合,使得個案公司不論在策略執行時,或是資訊系統應用上,可以達到相輔相成的境界,不至於有太大的落差。
With the advert information technology (IT), IT is important and indispensability property in an enterprise. How to make use of an information capital effectively, how to develop the information capital to the extreme limit, and how to make the enterprise more brilliant are the critical issues to be addressed. All of these issues are critical to the strategic hinting for executives and IT workers.
Kaplan & Norton (2003) raised a new concept of strategic information capital planning. This thesis is a compositive study of H & N companies on their information capital planning.
The findings show that strategic information capital planning indeed provides the company good assistances in planning and implementing information systems. It not only helps the company to understand and control, but also make strategy implementing and information system application to complement each other.
However, due to the fluctuation of the competition situation and information technology, the information capital planning has to adjust for strategy of enterprise accordingly.
Appears in Collections:Thesis