Title: 晶圓代工公司購併晶圓廠之資訊資本研究-以A公司為例
A Case Study of Information Capital for Semiconductor Foundry Acquisition Fab-
Authors: 梁忠明
Chung-Ming Liang
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 策略管理;策略地圖;購併;資訊資本;Strategic management;Strategy maps;Merge and Acquisition;Information capital
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 當企業藉由購併來達成其策略目的時,後續的各項整合工作-組織整合,業務內容整合,資訊系統整合,是此購併案能否成功並化為正面助益的關鍵活動。 本研究的目的,在於透過個案公司的研究,以Robert S. Kaplan & David P.Norton(2004)所提的策略性資訊資本的規劃架構為觀點,觀察個案公司購併過程中,資訊系統專案的進行;再將公司策略以策略地圖的方式描述後,和購併後已建置的資訊資本作連結,衡量建構後資訊資本是否齊備;並透過人員訪談方式對整個進行過程進行檢討,以提供學術界及實務界人士參考。 本論文的研究對象是台灣晶圓代工業中的後起之秀,近三年來EPS分別為1.69/1.84/2.53,逐年成長;而購併是快速增加產能最經濟的方法,但快速的建置、整合相關的資訊系統、作業流程,則是購併後的重大挑戰。 本研究有助於業界執行企業購併策略後,進行整合資訊資本部分的參考;並提出建言,做為執行策略購併資訊活動的思考面向
Business environment is changing rapidly, prompting mergers, acquisitions and alliances between enterprises as a global trend.In corporate mergers and acquisition (M&A) has become increasingly popular. Integration of enterprise information systems always remains some problems. This paper addresses the processes, issues and solutions for the integration of Fab information systems in the merger and acquisition (M&A) environment.Observe process by opinion information capital from strategy maps of Robert S. Kaplan & David P.Norton (2004) to measure the integration result of information systems. I hope that it is helpful to readers about the discussing of practical advantages obtained by this case study.
Appears in Collections:Thesis