Title: POSS微胞於高分子奈米粒子製備之運用
The Polymeric Molecular Nanoparticles Prepared in POSS-Based Nano-Reactro
Authors: 葉作凡
Yeh, Tso-Fan
Wang, Chien-Lung
Keywords: 單分子微胞;多面體低聚矽氧烷;分子級奈米粒子;高分子奈米粒子;unimolecular micelle;POSS;molecular nanoparticles;polymeric nanoparticles
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 分子級奈米粒子(MNPs)是建構巨分子的基礎建材。其擁有特殊的對稱性、不會任意塌縮的體積與形狀以及良好且明確的分子結構這幾項特徵,然而,要創造出分子級奈米粒子依舊是一件艱難的工作。傳統微胞是由單層的兩性分子構成的球形粒子,擁有內部親油、外部親水的環境。不同於一般傳統的微胞,單分子微胞由一個分子就可以演繹傳統微胞的特徵,利用這個特殊的性質,我們使用了兩性POSS做為奈米微反應器,製造出奈米等級的高分子奈米粒子。透過動態光散射儀和小角度X光散射的調查,我們得知了加入HEMA單體後的POSS微胞是一個良好的奈米反應器。藉由核磁共振儀、紅外光譜儀、小角度X光散射、凝膠滲透層析儀和熱重分析儀,我們證明了POSS polyHEMA奈米粒子已經成功地被製造出,平均尺寸為5.1奈米。此項研究提供了簡便快速的方法拓展分子級奈米粒子的多樣性以及提供了深具潛力的新材料。
Molecular nanoparticles (MNPs) are the basic building blocks for giant molecules. However, creating specifically defined MNPs remains a challenge task, and therefore the diversity of MNPs is still limited. Micelles are spherical particles consisted of the assembles of monolayer surfactant molecules. These particles are featured with their distinct core and coronal (hydrophilic/hydorphobic) environments. Unlike the surfactant micelles, unimolecualr micelles, such as the amphiphilc POSS create the different core and coronal environments within a single molecule. Taking the advantage of this unique property, our group prepared nano-sized polymeric particles via using the amphiphilic POSS as nano-reactors. The results of DLS and SAXS help us to check that the amphiphilic POSS with HEMA monomers is the good nano-reactors. The spectra of NMR, IR, GPC, SAXS and TGA exhibit that POSS polyHEMA nanoparticles are successfully created. The study provides a facile and simple method to expands the diversity of MNPs.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352404
Appears in Collections:Thesis