標題: 上肢外骨骼機器人之視覺控制系統研發
Development of a Visual Control System for an Upper Limb Exoskeleton Robot
作者: 林奕妤
Lin, I-Yu
Young, Kuu-Young
關鍵字: 外骨骼機器人;視覺;控制;exoskeleton;robot;visual;control
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 現代社會的老年人口與中風病患增加,造成醫療資源不足,因此外骨骼機器人成為國內外學者研究的目標。基於此,我們實驗室針對自身行動能力不足者設計了上肢穿戴式外骨骼機器人HAMEXO-N,藉以幫助他們完成日常生活的工作 。HAMEXO-N有肩膀和手肘兩個關節軸,可以完成伸展、收縮運動。由於日常生活中,使用者經常需要執行拿取的動作,例如拿水瓶喝水、拿湯匙吃飯等,而目標物品的位置並非總是固定,使用者也可能在移動的情況下進行拿取,因此我們希望賦予HAMEXO-N與外界互動的能力,能夠偵測物品在環境中的動向。本論文選用視覺系統作為HAMEXO-N與外界連結的媒介,藉以偵測物品的位置,並產生理想的拿取軌跡,同時,我們也設計了模糊控制器來執行外骨骼機器人的操控。我們以實驗驗證所提出系統的有效性,實驗結果顯示此系統在不同受測者的使用下,皆能準確偵測目標物位置,並完成物品拿取,展現此系統實際日常生活應用的可行性。
As the numbers of elderly people and stroke patients are increasing nowadays, it results in the lack of medical resources. Exoskeleton robot thus becomes a focus of robotic researchers. Motivated by it, our laboratory has designed a wearable upper-limb exoskeleton robot, named as HAMEXO-N, to help those who demand motion assistance in their daily activities. HAMEXO-N is equipped with two degrees of freedom, i.e., shoulder and elbow joints, for flexion and extension. In our daily lives, we often conduct the action of object fetching, for example, drinking a cup of water or picking up a ball. As the position of the target objects is not always fixed, and the user may reach for an object when they are moving, we intend to equip HAMEXO-N with the ability to detect the objects in the environment, so that it can better serve the user. For this purpose, this thesis proposes a visual control system for HAMEXO-N to detect the object and actually execute the motion of object fetching. Experiments are conduct to demonstrate its effectiveness, and the results show that the proposed system can accurately detect the targeted object, and accomplish the task of fetching for various users, showing its potential for practical applications in daily lives.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070460006