Title: 臺灣新竹教區傳道員與天主教發展(1950's-1970's)
The Catechists and the Development of Catholicism in the Hsinchu Diocese in Taiwan (1950’s ~1970’s)
Authors: 胡天蓮
Hu, Tien-Lien
Keywords: 傳道員;傳道學校;天主教;新竹教區;口述史;catechist;missionary school;Catholicism;Hsinchu diocese;oral history
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究以1950~1970年代,台灣天主教興盛發展時期,新竹教區的傳道員為對象;藉由田野調查、參與觀察與訪談等方法,紀錄他們的工作、生活與家庭;從而瞭解傳道員在教會內的角色、他們與地方教會發展之關係、以及他們個人及家庭信仰的轉變。首章簡介研究動機及傳道員;第二章從文獻紀錄中瞭解傳道員在各地的樣貌;第三章說明天主教不同時期的發展與傳道員的養成;第四章從實際工作情況,瞭解此時期的傳道員與教堂關係;第五章討論傳道員與其家族信仰的傳承,並藉此分析天主教在地方扎根的情形;最後為結論,提出研究發現、展望與建議 。
This study is focused on the catechists in the Hsinchu diocese during the prosperous development period of Catholicism in Taiwan during the 1950’s ~ 1970’s. Through methods of field surveys, participatory observations, and interviews, their work, life and families were documented, thereby understanding the role of the catechists in the church, their relationship with the development of the local church, and the transformation within their personal and family beliefs. The First Chapter summarizes the motivation for the study and the catechists; the Second Chapter helps us understand the catechists’ appearances everywhere through literary documentation; the Third Chapter explains the development of Catholicism during different periods and the formation of the catechists; the Fourth Chapter enables us to understand the relationship between the catechists and the church during this time period, through the actual work situations; the Fifth Chapter discusses the catechist and the heritage of his family’s faith, and thereby analyzing how Catholicism took root in the local area; lastly, the conclusion offers the research findings, outlook, and recommendations.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070155513
Appears in Collections:Thesis