標題: 天主教會在客家村落的發展—以芎林聖心堂為例
The Development of Catholic Church in Hakka Village—A Case of Sacred Heart Church in Chiunglin
作者: 陳美鈴
Chen, Mei-Ling
Lu, Hsin-Yi
關鍵字: 天主教會;客家村落;芎林;改宗;Catholic church;Hakka village;Chiunglin;Conversion
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 在台灣的每一個角落皆可瞥見天主教堂的身影,但在一個以客家人為多數的村落中,選擇以天主教作為其信仰者卻不多見。本研究即以芎林聖心堂的教友為主要的研究對象,藉由實際的田野調查,探究天主教信仰在客家地區的發展情形,並了解影響客家地區天主教會教友信仰轉變的主要因素,期望透過教友個人生命經驗的陳述,讓客家地區的天主教會及教友的聲音能有更真實的呈現。 本研究共分為五章,第一章緒論中將闡述本論文的研究背景與動機、目的與問題、研究對象、設計與方法。第二章將針對與天主教會相關的文獻做一說明並闡述天主教在台灣的傳教過程,進而探討天主教在芎林的發展經過及情形。第三章,則先回顧與改宗之有關之文獻,並說明影響當地居民改宗天主教的因素。第四章則將根據前章的研究觀察,提出天主教會在客家地區發展的優勢與限制。最後一章,則為研究的結論。 研究結果顯示,影響芎林聖心堂教友信仰轉變的主要因素為家庭的影響力、現實生活的壓力、教會本身的拉力、社會人際網絡、親人的追思及對傳統信仰的反省。另研究結果中亦發現客家地區天主教會的發展受到限制主要與民間信仰的根深柢固、社會環境的變遷、教會體制的限制、本地聖職人員缺乏和堂區與社區關係疏離等因素的影響。
The Catholic church can be seen in every corner in Taiwan. But in the village most people are Hakka, few of them faith in Catholicism. The Catholic laities of Sacred Heart Church in Chiunglin are the major objects. Through the field interview, this study researches the development of Catholicism in Hakka region and understands the major reasons which influence the Catholic laities in Hakka region to change their faith. The Catholic church in Hakka region and the voice of Catholic laities could be presented more authentically. There are five chapters in this study. The first chapter is the “introduction” which relates to the background and the motivation of the research, purposes, study objects and method. The second chapter introduces the propagation of Catholicism in Taiwan according to the relative works cited-review and further discusses the development process and condition of Catholicism in Chiunglin. Chapter three discusses the major reasons which influence Hakka residents to change their faith. Chapter four proposes the advantage and limitation of Catholicism development in Hakka region according to the research observation of the previous chapter. The last chapter is the conclusion. The research conclusion reveals the major reasons which influence Catholic laities in Chiunglin to change their faith are family issues, real life pressure, church pull, social network, memory of family members and reflection of traditional faith. Research conclusion discovers the development of Catholic church in Hakka region is limited by the deep-rooted popular faith, social environment transition, limitation of church systems, alienation of the relationship between the clergy and community.