標題: 高速正交分頻多工長距離被動光網路系統透過降低OFDM過高峰均功率比技術
A High-Speed OFDM Long-Reach Passive Optical Network System Employing PAPR Reduction Techniques
作者: 徐佳緯
HSU, Chia Wei
Chen, Jye-Hong
關鍵字: 正交分頻多工;降低峰均功率比;長距離被動式光網路;正交分頻多工高傳輸速率;強度調變直接偵測系統;部分傳輸序列;PAPR Reduction Techniques;OFDM Long-Reach Passive Optical Network System;High-Speed OFDM System;Partial Sequence Transmit (PTS);Exponential Companding;u-law Companding
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 隨著人們對於資料量的需求每年不斷爆炸性的成長,包括3D-虛擬現實、4K電視、8K電視在內的高品質影音服務以及使用率不斷上升的各類智慧型裝置,將會在未來帶來更大的頻寬需求量。而近年來因高傳輸效能的光纖到家(Fiber-to-the-home,FTTH)和光纖到桌(Fiber-to-the-desk.FTTD)等架構的普及,人們對於上傳下載頻寬速率要求也越來越大,為了應對如此強勁需求,被動式光網路技術被廣泛應用。國際標準組織FSAN也於2015年制定了下一世代被動式光網路(NG-PON2)的標準,為了達到規格所制定的總吞吐量40Gbps,並同時降低成本,長距離被動式光網路系統成為有效的解決辦法之一。 此外,隨著矽晶體技術的演進以及數位訊號處理(DSP)技術的進步,正交分頻多工(OFDM)成為一個具有潛力的技術並且將被應用在存取式網路(Access networks),本篇論文將討論降低正交分頻多工高峰均功率值比技術,並架設實驗將此技術應用於高速長距離正交分頻多工被動式光網路。
Due to the ever-growing of the technology, new products spring up like mushrooms, such as 3D-VR, 4K Ultra HD TV, 8K Ultra HD TV and all kinds of smart devices, the demands for the broadband will be increasing explosively in the near future. Thus, passive optical network (PON) has been widely used as a promising solution to economically provide high bandwidth to end-users. In order to meet the requirement of next-generation PON (NGPON2) established by FSAN (Full Service Area Networks) and reduce the cost of the PON, long reach-PON has been proposed and extensively studied by researchers. On the other side, as the rapid growth of silicon manufacturing process and DSP technique, optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing will be a potential solution because of its high spectral efficiency and robust dispersion tolerance. In this paper, we study on several methods of PAPR reduction and nonlinear distortion compensation techniques based on DSP technique. Then we demonstrated a high speed and high capacity OFDM LR-PON system.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070350541