標題: 客家男性性別角色形象與家庭價值觀之探究-以關西地區1960年代末出生之男性為例
Hakka Men´s Gender Role and Family Value—An Investigation into Guanxi Area with Men in the Late 1960sn
作者: 戴瑞銀
關鍵字: 客家男性;性別角色;家庭價值觀;族群文化傳承;Hakka male;gender role;family value;ethnicity culture inheritance
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 摘要 本研究針對一般人對於客家男性的刻板印象作為出發點,以質性的研究方法,探究客家男性在客家文化脈絡與客家家庭成長下對自身性別角色形象的認知,以及在原生家庭的教養過程中,是否仍然重視客家傳統精神,而這些客家傳統精神是否會在自己組織的家庭以及自我的客家男性角色中產生認同,進而形成重要的家庭價值觀並透過家庭教育將客家精神傳遞給下一代。透過研究對象個人特殊的經歷,發現傳統與現代客家男性家庭價值觀發生的轉變。 研究發現原生家庭與社會環境是客家男性性別角色形成的推手,客家男性剛強不軟弱的特質下是情感壓抑與隱忍的,客家男性強烈的責任感表顯出一種對家庭的堅持和擔當的態度,在行事風格上顯得有大男人主義。深入訪談也發現客家男性非常重視家庭,是節儉的,很孝順並以身教的方式傳承孝道精神,客家男性父親的角色從嚴父框架改變成為恩威兼具的慈父形象。 研究也發現客家男性雖然有族群滅絕的危機意識,對客家族群文化的傳承也存有使命感,但是卻難有積極的作為。客家族群文化的傳承,必須在家庭教育中刻意營造客語環境,對於自身族群認同並有傳承的認知與意願,才是客家族群語言和文化得以延續的關鍵因素。 關鍵詞:客家男性、性別角色、家庭價值觀、族群文化傳承
Abstract In this study, stiff image on the Hakka male from the general public was used as starting point, qualitative research method was adopted to investigate Hakka male’s recognition on self-gender role and image under Hakka cultural context and Hakka’s family growth, meanwhile, this study also investigated if Hakka male still paid great attention to traditional Hakka spirit in the incubation process of family of origin, meanwhile, this study was also to see if these traditional Hakka spirits will generate recognition in the self-organized family and self-Hakka male character, and if important family value can be formed, and Hakka spirit can be transferred to the next generation through family education. Through the special experience of the research target, change in the family value of traditional and modern Hakka male was found. From the research, it was found that family of origin and social environment were the driving force for the formation of gender role of Hakka male, meanwhile, under the stiff character of Hakka male, Hakka male’s emotion is depressed, and Hakka male’s strong responsibility was shown as an attitude of persistence and responsibility to family, therefore, Hakka male showed male chauvinism in the working style. After an in-depth interview was conducted, it was also found that Hakka male paid great attention to the family, in other words, Hakka male was thrifty and filial, and Hakka male inherited the spirit of filiality in the way of teaching-by-example, meanwhile, the father’s role of Hakka male was changed from the frame of strict father into an image of kind father. It was also found from the research that although Hakka male has the awareness of crisis of ethnicity extinction, yet Hakka male still felt strong responsibility for the cultural inheritance of Hakka ethnicity, however, rare aggressive action can be seen. The cultural inheritance of Hakka ethnicity must be built on the intentional build-up of Hakka dialect environment in the family education, and the build-up of recognition of its own ethnicity and recognition and willingness for inheritance, and all the above are key factors for the continuance of Hakka ethnicity language and culture. Key words: Hakka male, gender role, family value, ethnicity culture inheritance
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079878507
Appears in Collections:Thesis