Title: 客家家庭之多元族群婦女的角色地位:以北埔地區為例
Women’s Role with Inter-ethnical Marriage in Hakka Families—The Case of Beipu
Authors: 林昕珈
Lin, Hsin-Chia
Pan, Mei-Lin
Keywords: 跨族通婚;新移民女性;客家家庭;北埔;婦女地位;inter-ethnical marriage;new immigrant women;Hakka family;Beipu;females’s position
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 北埔地區客家人比例甚高,隨著現代化及全球化的影響,具有多元族群通婚的現象。過去習慣內婚的客家族群,偏向娶同文化的客家女性,但隨著現代化的推展,各族群透過求學、工作接觸的方式而有了更多互相交流的機會;同時在全球化的經濟發展下,跨國婚姻也提高了國人婚配對象的選擇性。以北埔地區來看,客家族群的婚配對象不只有客家婦女,還有閩南婦女以及新住民婦女,新住民婦女的部分則有來自印尼、越南、緬甸、泰國以及中國大陸地區等國家,該地客家家庭已然具有多元族群文化的色彩。
Traditionally, Hakka males married within their own culture and village—i.e. Beipu. However, as modernity’s expanded options increased both social and geographic mobility, each and every ethnic groups raised the interactions and social chances between each other. But those Hakka males who are suffering from great economical troubles can’t no longer get wives. Therefore that are showing more inter-ethnical marriages to enrich their background and supply. Thus, when choosing marriage partners, men from BeiPu not only chooses Hakka female, they are also now choosing Hoklo ethnic Taiwanese females and new residents from outer places or those who are from other countries. These new residents could be from Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand or areas of China.
The Hakka wife’s traditional workload has always been heavy, and she deferred to her husband. The question remains as to whether or not these inter-ethnical wives are able—or even willing—to accept this traditional submissive role within the Hakka family unit while bearing the brunt of the domestic tasks.
In addition to housework, in the past the wife contributed further financially through farm work or cottage industry. Today, housework remains, but the expected financial contribution must be met outside the home. Is this increased earning power and socio-economic power outside the home leading to a demand for a changed position within the traditional Hakka patriarchal power structure when they return? These females’s role in families are affected indeed when they get jobs, especially that females are becoming the main incoming sources.
In this research, woman’s native cultural background and individual socio-economic conditions with financial abilities, has changed the Hakka tradition society woman’s position.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070155514
Appears in Collections:Thesis