標題: 資本主義範式之下的花蓮城市空間再生產 —以193線拓寬案為例
The Reproduction of the Urban Space in Hualien City under Capitalism—Road 193 as an Example
作者: 黃芝雲
Huang, Zhi-Yun
Liu, Joyce C.H.
關鍵字: 城市;空間;觀光;再生產;資本主義;道路發展;原始積累;底層知識;殖民無意識;urban;space;tourism;reproduction;capitalism;road development;primitive accumulation;subaltern knowledge;colonial unconsciousness
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本文旨在對資本主義時代營造環境(built environment)的考察,以193線拓寬案為例,探討道路建設意義的改變,如何由發展初期之民生經濟需求,趨近於當代解決資本主義危機之修復手段。193線是一條銘刻了台灣資本主義發展進程的道路,它啟發當代的意義在於:道路不再服務於人群溝通,而是服務於資本主義,是這時代道路意義的重大轉變。研究分為兩個面向,其一是透過對花蓮193線拓寬案的考察,探究路政如何作為施政意識形態的載體,反映具破壞力的資本擴張,如何改變空間織理造成民眾與政府之間的扞格。我國路政自冷戰後美援以來,始終搭配國家經濟建設計畫實施,故而探討道路建設其實也正是探詢台灣資本主義發展歷程。 其二是透過邊界思考(border thinking)重探資本主義宏大敘事裡的兩套歷史論述。一則「現代性」,以花蓮觀光資本主義化、郊區化、縉紳化為主。二則探討「底層知識」(subaltern knowledge)—當地不全然以資本積累邏輯而驅動的生命史。這兩套論述位於當代現代性敘事的兩端,各執兩套不同的歷史詮釋,我意欲探究兩者之間的折衝權衡。 最後將兩個分析焦點扣連起來,觀察花蓮作為一個逐漸步入成熟資本主義運作的城市,如何因區域位置和產業結構繼承類似十九世紀「原始積累」式的資本主義侵佔,以觀光資本化販賣山水的發展和城市空間再生產,服膺了以資本積累為邏輯的權力結構和集中。而如果我們想要對抗社會的不公義,就必須時刻警覺資本主義意識形態中霸權的壓迫。透過將193線擺置於戰後東亞資本主義發展脈絡裡,有助於我們認清東亞社會經濟體制如何承繼西方模式的誤識,幫助我們面對現況,不要耽溺於「東方/西方」、「東部/西部」二元對立思考,並拿回花東主體的發話權。
This essay focuses on Road 193 as an example to illustrate the question of built environments in the age of neoliberal capitalism, especially pinpointing the transformation of the road system from the need of livelihood to the demand of capitalism. First, I take Road 193 as an archaeological text, inscribed with different stages of economic development. Taiwan’s road system has been involved in the national economical plans; therefore, the study of Taiwan road system through Road 193 is in the meantime to study the route of capitalism in Taiwan. Secondly, I inspect the two discourses under capitalism: one is modernity—the reproduction (suburbanization, gentrification, and consumerism) of Hualien city; the other one is subaltern knowledge—the ethnography bases not on capitalism but cultural customs. In the end I combine these two tasks in order to examine Hualien, as a newly developed capitalist city, that has practiced primitive accumulation of the 19th century through the rationale of capitalized-tourism in the 21th century. The main purpose and also the conclusion of this essay is to show that if we want to withstand the social injustice, we must distinguish the hegemonic oppression concealed in the unconscious desire of development. By putting the case of Road 193 in the postwar context, this project helps us recognize the misrecognition of modernity introduced by Western concept of developmentalism.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079949511
Appears in Collections:Thesis