標題: 基於情緒和潛在因素之影片配樂推薦系統
Mood Based Video Background Music Recommendation via Latent Factor
作者: 陳映全
Chen, Ying-Chuan
Lee, Chia-Hoang
Liu, Chien-Liang
關鍵字: 背景音樂推薦系統;基於情緒的;潛在因素;Background music recommendation system;mood based;latent factor model
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 隨著科技的日新月異,越來越多移動裝置都具有拍攝影片的功能,使用者也樂於隨 時記錄生活中發生的事物;而社群網站的興起,也讓許多人熱衷於在網路上分享自己的生活片段。許多使用者會將日常拍攝的片段加上背景音樂,使其更有吸引力,希望能得到更多關注,然而,找尋適當背景音樂的過程往往非常曠日廢時,因此我們希望能建構一套系統,輔助使用者更快速地找到適合的背景音樂。本論文提出基於情緒和潛在因素的影片配樂推薦系統,以情緒為影片和音樂的關係依據,並使用潛在因素模型,找出潛藏在影片和音樂特徵中的潛在因素,藉由這些潛在因素,推薦使用者適合的背景音樂,並提升推薦的準確度。除了一般推薦系統常用的準確率指標以外,本研究也徵求了受測者來進行量化研究和質性研究,透過兩種不同的實驗,進行問卷研究和訪談研究,希望從不同的角度來分析問題,並驗證系統的有效性。而從實驗的結果可以發現,本研究所提出的系統在準確度和問卷調查方面,都優於比較的方法,但在質性研究中我們也發現,過半的受測者(60%)是以影片內容和音樂節奏做為配樂適當與否的依據。
The popularity of mobile devices allows people to easily record the splendid moments of their lives and share the videos on the social media website instantly. Embedding appropriate background music to make the video more attractive is a typical use case, but it is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to find music to fit the video. Inspiring by the requirement, this thesis proposes a background music recommendation system based on mood and latent factors. The proposed system uses mood tags to associate videos with music, and use latent factors between them to recommend appropriate music to users. In the experiments, the evaluation involves accuracy, quantitative research, and qualitative research. The experimental results indicate that the proposed system is promising in accuracy and quantitative research. Furthermore, the investigation shows that over half of the participants (60%) mainly use video contents and music rhythms to judge whether the music is appropriate for the video.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070256632