標題: 顆粒合成法與網頁音訊技術之跨地域聲音互動設計
Cross-regional Sound Interaction Design Based on Granular Synthesis and Web Audio Technology
作者: 王將仰
Wang, Jiang-Yang
Tseng, Yu-Chung
關鍵字: Web Audio API;Node.js;WebSocket;HTML5;Canvas;顆粒合成法;網路藝術;聲雲
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本論文研究試圖以網頁瀏覽器為開發核心,運用新興Web Audio API網頁音訊技術與HTML5 Canvas動畫技術做相互整合,實現聲音顆粒合成法在網頁程式上執行的可能性,並透過Node.js後端開發框架將網頁顆粒合成與WebSocket的即時連線技術做整合,讓系統使用者可以即時地在跨地域的環境下進行聲景錄音,並進一步將錄製的聲景資訊上傳至系統伺服器端建立聲景音檔;最終所錄製的音檔則能夠讓不同場域下的使用者,透過網路來共同實現跨地域性之顆粒合成聲響互動;使用者們可以在此系統介面上同步進行聲景聲響的聲音合成,而最終所調變的聲響則能夠在跨地域的瀏覽器之間進行同步聆聽的聲音互動整合應用。

本研究透過顆粒合成之相關文獻來探討聲音顆粒的來由與存在性,以及顆粒合成聲響所存在的連續性與非連續性的特質;另一方面則透過Dennis Gabor的聲音顆粒機器與Iannis Xenakis的聲雲概念中獲得網路同步協作概念與聲音顆粒合成法之間做相互結合的啟發。此外,透過顆粒合成概念之相關應用程式、裝置藝術、錄像藝術作品的實作探討,同時歸納出顆粒合成聲響在聽覺上所具有「微觀與巨觀的聯動」,以及「親切感與陌生化的消長」的共存性特徵,使顆粒合成法產生多元聽覺層次的價值性。此價值也進一步與網路藝術之特性做創意性的連結,並藉由對網路藝術特性之歸納來針對本聲音顆粒合成互動系統做進一步的聲音互動設計。最終,本系統的整體聲響性與介面互動設計上共同承襲了顆粒合成之概念外,更在即時錄音與即時聲音互動合成的技術突破上,使本系統達成網際網路的共享性與網路社群協作之概念,將跨地域的聲景能夠在共享的架構下,透過網路科技的各種媒體應用推升到新的互動層次與聆聽層次。
The research of this thesis is attempted to take web browsers as the core of implementation, and to integrate with Web Audio API and HTML5 Canvas techniques to realize the possibilities of Granular Synthesizing on web programming. The server development framework, Node.js, is also used to make Granular Synthesis integrate with WebSocket technology, and finally develops a web application for sound interaction, which are the cross regional sound interactive design. The users in this system can also make the soundscape recording cross-regionally with Google Chrome browser. The recorded sounds will then be sent to the server, and finally be synthesized and listened by users with their web browsers throughout the places which be connected by the web.

This research also takes literature reviews, which are related to granular synthesis, to explore the existence of the grain of sound and the coexistence between continuity and discontinuity. On the other side, the idea of integrating the web granular synthesizing with synchronous collaborative computing is inspired by both of the concepts inside Dennis Gabor’s Granulation Machine and Iannis Xenakis’s “Cloud of Sound”. In the practices studying, the works in Software Application, Sound Installation, Net Art and Video Art, which applied the concepts of granular synthesis, comes down to the two particular features on “the linkage from micro-scale to macro-scale sound listening”, and “the interaction between auditory familiarity and synthesized defamiliarization”. These features can be found inside the sounds of granular synthesis, and are also connected to the characteristics of Net Art. The sound interactive design in this system is constructed on the basis of the characteristics which appears inside the concept of Net Art. The entire features of sound and the interface design finally inherit the concepts of granular synthesis. The breakthrough of real-time recording and real-time sound interaction makes this sound interactive web application reaches the concepts of internet sharing and collaborative interaction on social network, which makes cross-regional soundscapes be connected with sharing concept in a group of people. The soundscapes can also be promoted to the higher interactive level and listening level by the medias of web technologies.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070251909