標題: 可量測人眼與眼鏡鏡片之自動驗光儀
Autorefractor for Human Eye and Spectacle
作者: 張庭樵
Chang, Ting-Chiao
Hsu, Long
關鍵字: 驗光;近視;遠視;屈光度;Zernike;Hartmann-Shack;Autorefractor;Diopter
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 現代人長期用眼過度,視力衰退嚴重,近視散光的年齡層也逐日下降,因此眼科醫療及視力矯正也益發重要。而最常見的眼科儀器便是自動驗光儀,但至今自動驗光儀主要功能仍僅有量測遠、近視及散光屈光度。在眼科醫療上,總希望能兼顧精準度和時間效率,且儀器越小越好。因此,可攜式或多功能合一的儀器,便是未來重要發展趨勢。 為設計出可量測人眼與眼鏡鏡片的二合一自動驗光儀,使用Hartmann-Shack波前量測系統,配合Zernike多項式做分析,架設出自動驗光儀系統,並設計出可大範圍模擬遠近視及散光的假眼模型,只要將眼鏡鏡片置於此假眼上,即可量測眼鏡鏡片的屈光度。 我們以國外廠牌自動驗光儀作為比較的對照組,量測1.遠視眼、近視眼的屈光度2.含有散光的遠視眼、近視眼的屈光度3.常見度數的眼鏡鏡片屈光度。 在作為對照組的規格範圍:遠近視-30 (D)~+25 (D),散光-12 (D)~+12 (D)內,我們自製驗光儀的平均誤差為0.744 (D),與作為對照組的平均誤差0.736 (D)僅相差不到0.01 (D),可見準確度相當。而在常用範圍-10 (D)~+5 (D)之間,平均誤差為0.31 (D),與對照組的0.34 (D)相當。眼鏡鏡片遠近視平均誤差0.14 (D),散光平均誤差0.23 (D),相當精準。
Modern people often overuse their eyes, vision ability decline seriously. The age of children to have myopic eyes is also much lower than before. And that’s why eye care and ophthalmology medical become more and more important. One of the most common instrument in ophthalmology is autorefrator, but autorefrator still only have the main function of detecting the diopter of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. In ophthalmic medical, we hope instrument could both take care of accuracy and time efficiency. And the size of instrument is the smaller the better. Therefore, portable or multifunctional instrument is very important in the future. To build a multifunctional autorefractor for human eye and spectacle, we use Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor to get images and Zernike polynomials for analyzing. And design a fake eye model to simulate a wide range of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. We could also put the spectacle in front of the fake eye to measure the spectacle’s diopter. We use commercial autorefractor as reference. And measure (1) Myopic eyes and hyperopic eyes. (2) Myopic eyes and hyperopic eyes with astigmatism. (3) Some common Spectacles. In the range of referenced autorefractor: Sph-30 (D) ~ +25 (D), Cyl-12 (D) ~ +12 (D). Self-made autorefractor’s average error is 0.774 (D), compare with the referenced autorefractor’s average error 0.736 (D), only have the difference less than 0.01 (D), that’s very close. And in common range: Sph-10 (D) ~ +5 (D), Self-made autorefractor’s average error is 0.31 (D), compare with the referenced autorefractor’s average error 0.34 (D) is almost the same. And for the measure of spectacle, the myopic average error is 0.14 (D). Astigmatic average error is 0.23 (D), is also very accuracy. 
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070252015
Appears in Collections:Thesis